Discussion topic: 2nd TV issue

This message was authored by DanielStella This message was authored by: DanielStella

2nd TV issue


I recently bought a new Samsung TV to upgrade my TV and moved my old TV upstairs. New TV worked beautifully with sky+HD with no problem, the issue is with second TV, when switch on, it work ok and a short while it went and display a "This display doesn't support HDCP", while investigating, disconnected the HDMI plug to new TV, the second TV work OK, or with the new TV on, second TV work OK, just showing above when HDMI is still plugged in new tv or new TV is off.  Why is that? I still using Sky+HD and Eye via aerial and Eye adapter connect to box. Please can anyone advise? I have to have new TV on or HDMI disconnected in order to watch upstairs TV.

Best Answers
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: 2nd TV issue

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Turn off the 'HDMI Control over RF' setting in your Sky box. I think the setting is in the Picture menu.

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