Discussion topic: Where is my account?

This message was authored by FizzyG This message was authored by: FizzyG

Where is my account?


I heard about the troubles with Sky Glass and Stream. That explained my problems so I used the online guidance to reset my Stream Puck. 

That worked right up to the point where I tried to link my account and the screen said that I had no products. 

The website won't let me enter the number on screen as I have no products. 

I pay for Sky sports too and Sky have been taking my money every month for nearly a year so what is going on??

I have no TV at the moment but paying a fortune every month! 


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This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316 Answer

Re: Where is my account?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@FizzyG wrote:


I heard about the troubles with Sky Glass and Stream. That explained my problems so I used the online guidance to reset my Stream Puck. 

That worked right up to the point where I tried to link my account and the screen said that I had no products. 

The website won't let me enter the number on screen as I have no products. 

I pay for Sky sports too and Sky have been taking my money every month for nearly a year so what is going on??

I have no TV at the moment but paying a fortune every month! 


You must use the email address you used to purchase sky stream to login to the activation page. 

43inch Gen 1 and 55 inch Gen 2 Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks. Virgin media M350 hub 5x. Four sky mobile sims.

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