Discussion topic: Unable to watch live UHD content in UHD when selecting watch from start

This message was authored by Frustrated_ This message was authored by: Frustrated_

Unable to watch live UHD content in UHD when selecting watch from start


Frustrated, as the quality of a once premium product is now below par. This was never an issue on Q and worked when Stream first came out. It’s like there is zero meaningful QA being run before rolling out software to customers,  when basic functionality, like chosen viewing format, no longer functions.


Started watching time delayed playback of the NZ v ARG in UHD. Accidentally changed channels, but when attempting to go back to the UHD stream through watch from start, only the HD stream was accessible.


This is the straw that broke the camel’s back… between trickplay that is completely unusable and an absolute joke - how can you have a PVR product without trickplay - and PVR functionality that is hit and  miss.