31 Jul 2024 01:56 PM
I have had a similar problem
Due to trees in line with my dish, Sky Q was becoming unreliable - engineer came round, explained about Sky Stream, and that he felt it would be my best option.
However during all subsequent phone contact I'm advised that Sky Stream was "not available" and I would need Sky Glass. When asking for a quote I was told that the package for buying the TV at £28 per month would add £40 per month to my bill!! The advisers are not willing to engage to discuoss options nor explain anything, and promised return calls are not made.
I think the best thing is to just cancel as soon as poss and put a line under it.
Shame as up unitl this instance, I've always found Sky customer service most helpful.
31 Jul 2024 06:06 PM
@Ang57 if the advice of the engineer that came to my house when I ordered Sky Q is any good (sounds like it should be, as your engineer appears to be suggesting the same), you should be able to cancel Sky Q as it's not fit for purpose.
Now that my contract has been cancelled, it looks as though Sky Stream is an option for me (at least the website lets me go through to payment, which I haven't yet done as I'm not sure whether I want to bother with Sky given the clear hard sell on Sky Glass and lack of consideration for my circumstances).
31 Jul 2024 08:42 PM
I wouldn't bother its full of bugs is SKY Stream. Want SKY Q back.
01 Aug 2024 06:44 PM
@RobBarden RobBarden - thanks for the response
It seems all they want to do is flog all customers Sky Glass and forget everything else.
Sky Q has been fine and I would rather keep it (if I had the choice!)
I've had three very bizarre e-mails from Sky that make no sense and I'm currently on hold while someone tries (unsuccessfully) to explain what they mean.
My contract is up shortly, so I think I'll bumble along for a little longer then just leave Sky all together. I don't know if my head can handle any more 😀
I don't know what is going on there, but is seems complete chaos.
Best wishes
01 Aug 2024 07:12 PM
@mattyhudds = thanks for the message
I've been quite happy with SkyQ - but having heard mixed (at best!) reports of Sky Glass and Sky Stream, I think I'm best walking away
Just been on the phone and other than raising my blood pressure no further on.
02 Aug 2024 12:11 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreI thought it was well known that anyone with Sky Q is only ever promoted an "upgrade" to Sky Glass and cannot get near Stream without making a call to leave, and then lucking out by finding the right person at the other end of the phone?
If you have Sky Q, all advertising in MySky (app and online), is directed towards Sky Glass and if you try and break the matrix, it tells you off and sends you back to Sky Glass.
Stream is a dream if on Q...