Discussion topic: Sky Sports Tennis Picture pauses then runs fast

This message was authored by Rich108 This message was authored by: Rich108

Sky Sports Tennis Picture pauses then runs fast

Watching Sky Sports Tennis. Picture pauses, sound continues then picture unpauses an in effect runs very fast until it catches up with the sound again. Both then play in sync. Happens frequently and seems random. Not our Internet- 250meg and ethernet connected. Terrible for a company charging over 6 times as much as previous tennis sports provider.

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This message was authored by Rich108 This message was authored by: Rich108 Answer

Re: Sky Sports Tennis Picture pauses then runs fast



Sky puck has programming issue.


When upgrades it defaults to wifi rven with ethernet connected.  To force it back to Ethernet go to 

Home  scroll to bottom



Advanced settings

Turn WiFi off.


Also if on WiFi and Puck close to Router it cannot cope!!


Basically lazy programming from engineers.  Why they hide the solution is beyond me but must have terrible fear of admitting they have issues!!

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