Discussion topic: Pucking sound

This message was authored by kingsturge This message was authored by: kingsturge

Pucking sound

I have a problem with the Sky puck. Whenever I'm watching a 4k, HDR, & Dolby Atmos program, the sound will cut out for around a second. This'll happen every 20 minutes or so. Does anyone know of who to fix this?

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This message was authored by Ellie_TV This message was authored by: Ellie_TV

Re: Pucking sound

@kingsturge wrote:
I have a problem with the Sky puck. Whenever I'm watching a 4k, HDR, & Dolby Atmos program, the sound will cut out for around a second. This'll happen every 20 minutes or so. Does anyone know of who to fix this?

This is a long standing problem for many people using a Stream puck. Sky have been investigating for a while but so far no date for a solution has been given. 

I have recently been testing the NOW app on different hardware and have experienced no audio dropouts whatsoever on UHD/HDR Dolby Atmos programmes. I think I'm going to cancel Stream if a solution doesn't come soon. 

This message was authored by Th15 This message was authored by: Th15

Re: Pucking sound

I've just noticed this issue today whilst using the Apple TV app. 

This message was authored by StevieB321 This message was authored by: StevieB321

Re: Pucking sound

Has anyone successfully canceled their contract due to this issue? 


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