Discussion topic: What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

This message was authored by MickeyF This message was authored by: MickeyF

What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

Can anyone tell me what to do. I have a puck that developed a software error. The technical dept advised I would need to pay £50 for a replacement as there was nothing they could do. They advised me it was out of warranty and now belonged to me. I was unable pay £50 up front because I dont have an income. I havent gut £50 up front for anything. I am disabled and have no income spare. After 5 plus hours of calls and basically being told it's £50 or there is nothing they could do I ended up being placed with Priority team. They came to a solution to credit my account with the money then refund it to my bank. They arranged a day to call to take the money back to send a replacement. That is all I was advised. Nothing more. The agent called, took the payment and said it would be sent and that upon delivery I would have to return the one that has the software error. After being told the puck belonged to me and would never work I have thrown it out so now I am told I won't get the replacement. No one at any point in any dept told me. And now they say they'll just cancel the account leaving me with no access to tv. Aerial boosters don't work in my apartment so I can't even use tgat service. Have any other disabled customers been treated like they are something they have found on the bottom of their shoe. Because of the extremely poor way the entire process has been handled and the fact I was badly advised what can I do or where can I go. I'm sat here absolutely hating myself for being disabled and not being able to have the money they want. So unless I give the courier my box I'm stuck. I hsave a pointless 55 inch ornament now. I've tried to find if other disabled customers have been treated similarly but have been unable to find anything which is making me hate myself more. Any advice anyone could give would be extremely appreciated 


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MickeyF wrote:

Can anyone tell me what to do. I have a puck that developed a software error. The technical dept advised I would need to pay £50 for a replacement as there was nothing they could do. They advised me it was out of warranty and now belonged to me. I was unable pay £50 up front because I dont have an income. I havent gut £50 up front for anything. I am disabled and have no income spare. After 5 plus hours of calls and basically being told it's £50 or there is nothing they could do I ended up being placed with Priority team. They came to a solution to credit my account with the money then refund it to my bank. They arranged a day to call to take the money back to send a replacement. That is all I was advised. Nothing more. The agent called, took the payment and said it would be sent and that upon delivery I would have to return the one that has the software error. After being told the puck belonged to me and would never work I have thrown it out so now I am told I won't get the replacement. No one at any point in any dept told me. And now they say they'll just cancel the account leaving me with no access to tv. Aerial boosters don't work in my apartment so I can't even use tgat service. Have any other disabled customers been treated like they are something they have found on the bottom of their shoe. Because of the extremely poor way the entire process has been handled and the fact I was badly advised what can I do or where can I go. I'm sat here absolutely hating myself for being disabled and not being able to have the money they want. So unless I give the courier my box I'm stuck. I hsave a pointless 55 inch ornament now. I've tried to find if other disabled customers have been treated similarly but have been unable to find anything which is making me hate myself more. Any advice anyone could give would be extremely appreciated 

@MickeyF - when did you first get the Sky Stream puck?

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by MickeyF This message was authored by: MickeyF

Re: What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

January 2023

This message was authored by jtonline This message was authored by: jtonline

Re: What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

@MikeyF Sky Stream pucks come with an unlimited warranty if ordered after 23 February 2023 or a one-year warranty if ordered before 23 February 2023.
My contract was after Feb. '23 and it states that Sky always own the puck.  Your earlier contract may state something different.
Not sure where you stand if you've already disposed of the puck before receiving a replacement.  I think you're going to have to pursue it further with Customer Services otherwise you'll have to get legal advice. 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Ah ok so that was only just before they made the change to switch stream pucks from customer owned to being loaned to the customer so they would be correct over the "out of warranty" claim.


Although as yours is customer owned I don't understand why they are adamant that the old broken puck would need to be returned. Providing the fee is paid I would have thought they would just send out the replacement puck (which i assuming would now be customer loaned) and wouldn't care what you did with the puck you owned.


Have you tried raising an official complaint via the process documented here: https://www.sky.com/help/articles/how-to-make-a-complaint ?


I'd be inclined to use one of the written methods of communication, rather than phoning, to open the complaint so that you have the full trail of correspondance.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by MickeyF This message was authored by: MickeyF

Re: What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

They told me it belonged to me now. They never once said they would need it back. And customer service made such a mess that my account was placed with priority team so I couldn't even soeak to customer services if I tried. The number won't work for me now or ever.


Unfortunately I  receive this kind of treatment all the time because they know they can get away with it.


And I wouldn't be able to go the legal route because they want paying.


If I don't get it sorted I'll just access their services the other way and stream all their stuff for free

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This message was authored by MickeyF This message was authored by: MickeyF

Re: What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

The person who i was dealing with in the Priority team was dealing with the initial complaints. It was her who has missold me. She explained exactly what was going to happen but said absolutely nothing about having to return my puck in exchange for the replacement. She claims she didn't know until she had arranged the sending of the replacement and the system requested it. But that doesn't matter because they can walk all over a disabled customer knowing I don't have the means to take legal action. Most companies understand the difficulties their disabled customers have and put things in place to help. Not this one. Just another huge company making me hate myself for being disabled. None of this would have happened had I the ability to work and have disposable income. 


And in answer to them wanting it back they don't repair pucks and they don't send out refurbished products of any kind so even if I hadn't thrown it away that is exactly what they are going to do when they get faulty products back. Just comes across as vindictive to me. 


I'll just have to leave as many reviews on as many sites as possible warning other disabled people about just how unhelpful a company they are.


I thought they had to make reasonable adjustments but they mustn't have to follow the Disability Discrimination Act or Equality Act but I'm obviously very much mistaken. 


It's the usual take take take. I should've expected this being a Murdoch company 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MickeyF wrote:

. I should've expected this being a Murdoch company 

It isn't a Murdoch company, it hasn't been since 2018 when Murdoch sold it.


@MickeyF wrote:

She claims she didn't know until she had arranged the sending of the replacement and the system requested it.

Thats wouldn't necessarily surprise me. If Sky changed the ownership model of the pucks in Feb 2023 to loaned, it would make actually make sense that the computer systems were updated in-line with that policy which would mean when replacement pucks are sent out it would "request" the existing one to be returned, particularly as from Feb 2024 all the old pucks that were customer owned would have been out-or-warranty so its possible the computer system and thus the process was updated accordingly. Despite that you would expect them to be able to manually override it for situations when the puck in question is customer-owned.


I suspect that your disability has absolutely nothing to do with what has transpired and instead is a quirk of the process/system related to the ownership model change they made.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MickeyF wrote:


If I don't get it sorted I'll just access their services the other way and stream all their stuff for free

No matter how disgruntled you may reasonably feel, I'd suggest publicly announcing illegal intentions isn't very wise, and particularly not in a forum owned and run by the company you are proposing to steal from...


As @MarkGoldsmith noted above, Fox sold its stake in Sky Group to Comcast six years ago.



* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
Topic Author
This message was authored by MickeyF This message was authored by: MickeyF

Re: What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

I'm disabled, no money, no income and very little time left on this earth....What is the worst that could happen...After the way I've been spoken to and treated and missold I'm past caring. They've made me hate myself for being disabled because if I wasn't none of this would have happened 

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: What do you do when you have been incorrect advised

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

I don't see what you being disabled has to do with any of this.


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