Discussion topic: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

This message was authored by BC1956 This message was authored by: BC1956

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Thank you, you tried mate👍

Sky FF Gigafast / Sky WiFi Max / Sky Stream / 2 Pucks / Sky Ultimate TV / Sky Sports / Sky Cinema / Sky Whole Home / Sky Ad Skipping
This message was authored by W00d1e This message was authored by: W00d1e

Re: When watching programmes on Sky Stream the sound is out of sync with the picture.

Hi, thanks for this. Looking through here it does seem there is an issue although i have only experienced no synch issues within the last few weeks. Strange there is a setting to "adjust" the synch in milliseconds, seems a bit hit & miss. PCM is much better but its not quite there but very close, thanks anyhow. 

This message was authored by spannernick1 This message was authored by: spannernick1

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

For me its working ok now, now I have my broadband up and running, it was doing it because I was using my 4G on my mobile phone, its not that great with it.
And I have connected SKY Steam Puck to my SKY Hub by a RJ45 cable, its faster so no lag now, thats how I connected my SKY Q box too.... 🙂 

All I wish now is that SKY Stream had the same interface as Sky Q, I still think it the best and easiest GUI to use, I had it for about 5 years, before that SKY+HD, I only using SKY Straem because my building is not compatable with it, but I am happy with SKY Stream, I like better then NOW.


Thanks for all your help SKY and especally what I am going through ATM, my partner died and she was the SKY account holder so every had to be change it into my name .. 🙂 , SKY were great about it and helped me alot.

This message was authored by pdentity This message was authored by: pdentity

Re: When watching programmes on Sky Stream the sound is out of sync with the picture.

This is what I do at the moment and it works

This message was authored by kweyman This message was authored by: kweyman

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

I have serious lip sync issues on all channels, very annoying. I am seriously thinking about cancelling my contract as the service is not being supplied as promised. Can anyone from Sky help please?

This message was authored by BC1956 This message was authored by: BC1956

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

@kweyman you won't get a response from Sky on here they obviously don't monitor their Sky Community

Sky FF Gigafast / Sky WiFi Max / Sky Stream / 2 Pucks / Sky Ultimate TV / Sky Sports / Sky Cinema / Sky Whole Home / Sky Ad Skipping
This message was authored by FaviousM This message was authored by: FaviousM

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

I've started getting an additional lip sync issue (on top of not being able to use anything other than PCM to get in-sync audio) and that is channels either starting or going out of sync by several seconds.


Literally as I was typing this I had it happen. I switched to Sky Sports F1 UHD a while ago and the audio was out of sync, I changed to another channel and back and sound went back in sync. However, when the program switched to an ad break it there was a noticeable skip in the audio and it went out of sync again. Specifically the ad was Idris Elba selling some AI nonsense. I mention it because it was during that same ad yesterday that I first noticed the issue so I'm not sure if it's the ad, or the switch from live programme to ad break that's causing it but there seems to be some connection.


Just to note this is happening on both HDMI eArc and optical with audio set to PCM and the puck is on the latest update QS033 (which I suspect is the cause as it only started in the last day or two)

This message was authored by MrsRooney This message was authored by: MrsRooney

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

I've got that too. I haven't spent the time (and patience!) trying to figure out the trigger, but it seems to affect all ' live' channels. Added to this I am experiencing frequent interruptions particularly if I have used 'pause' when watching live tv. Beginning to wonder if my puck is dying. Hope so - I'd love to perform a ceremonial cremation!!

This message was authored by DonnaJ This message was authored by: DonnaJ

When will the Sound Sync issue be resolved?

We have Three pucks, and each of them has the same problem
Sound Sync, on most channels and at random
Turn off, leave and turn back on and cross fingers.
Tried different sound modes, different sound delays.
Problems is on all and a continuous problem
Watch Netflix, discovery+ etc, NO problems at all, just live TV
Getting fed up with it now
It isnt our Broadband we have 330meg download, and tried different wifi bandwidths, makes no difference.
See it is a SKY puck problem

Any further help aprreciated

This message was authored by Matt+Nunns This message was authored by: Matt+Nunns

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Sound massively out of sync today on Sky sports F1 UHD, probably out by about 3 seconds!! Pretty much unwatchable

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: When will the Sound Sync issue be resolved?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@DonnaJ  The previous lip sync issue was resolved but unfortunately this appears to be a new issue which started only recently.  I am aware that Sky know of the issue so will be looking for a solution to fix it.

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This message was authored by Adrianh290 This message was authored by: Adrianh290

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

I am getting this issue all the time with the Sports channels atm, and it's p****** me off. If I change the channel, then change back again, the sound and picture are synced, but it doesn't take long for the sound to get way ahead of the picture again. I'm using Sky Glass.

This message was authored by billybobb This message was authored by: billybobb

the sound drop outs continue

well after a few days of things being 'back to normal' it's started again today with a vengeance - i'm going to ring sky tomorrow and ask to cancel as i've had enough - paramount needed a  restart to get it off a black screen today as it crashed the puck - sound has gone off 10x easily today nothing sorts it - is anyone else going through this? if it's just me it's hard to say it's not fit for purpose 

This message was authored by Stephenbtc This message was authored by: Stephenbtc

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Suffering from this big time and nothing (settings change) resolves it. Watching NFL now - started out ok but went Dalek with no warning. Seems to be random, but bizarrely even ads have lip sync issues. Anyone had that? Shocking from Sky. Price hikes galore and quality plummets. I'd cancel right now if I could but still have a year to run on contract.. Can't recommend Sky Glass to anyone. Still way too buggy. 

This message was authored by Trechs This message was authored by: Trechs

Re: When watching programmes on Sky Stream the sound is out of sync with the picture.

All it has proved, is that we're not getting a service we're paying for.


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