Discussion topic: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

This message was authored by ken+mackenzie This message was authored by: ken+mackenzie

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues


But HOW long do we need to wait for Sky to fix this properly 

Meanwhile for now months we still pay the same monthly bills for NOT the service we signed up for 😡😡😡😡😡

This message was authored by Dom35 This message was authored by: Dom35

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

The PCM stereo temporary fix makes tv watchable no synch issues- but you cant get the 5.1 surround sound etc  through home cinema system.  I will give Sky another month to sort it out or I will be looking elsewhere 

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

It was fine on my stream but it was awful on the 4K Eurosport channel for the tennis yesterday

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by RayWB This message was authored by: RayWB


I have SKY Stream. Sound going out of sync daily. Switching on and off usually resets, not always. Having to do this every day. I have 'Fire Stick' as well but no problems so must be problem with puck. Any help?? I have SKY Broadband.

This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam


@RayWB wrote:

I have SKY Stream. Sound going out of sync daily. Switching on and off usually resets, not always. Having to do this every day. I have 'Fire Stick' as well but no problems so must be problem with puck. Any help?? I have SKY Broadband.

There's already a very lengthy thread on this topic in the Sky Stream forum which was started weeks ago. Sky are still working on a fix. No timescale has been given. In the meantime you can try changing the audio output to PCM Stereo or passthrough. 

This message was authored by gszab1 This message was authored by: gszab1

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Unfortunately it's still awful on Eurosport 4K, no matter which sound setting I choose. On Eurosport 1 no issues.

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

I agree. Unfortunately it's not been fixed. All we can do is wait I guess

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Alpinerock This message was authored by: Alpinerock

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

So I have read nearly all the comments regarding the lip sync problem (not an issue) and how to 'fix' it. The only one that has any impact is turning the puck off and on but this is only a temporary fix, as it doesn't take long for the problem to resurface. 


I read this article https://www.whathifi.com/news/sky-glass-and-sky-stream-users-rejoice-loads-of-new-features-are-comin... Has this update happened?


Sky you are selling a product and service which is not fit for purpose. You should be refunding all those customers who are suffering from this problem. I thought moving from Sky Q to Sky Stream would be a step forward in fact it is the opposite. Extremely disappointing.

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

I spoke to sky last night and apparently the update is happening next week


Regards to the 4K issue with the tennis, they said there is nothing that they can do and said it was likely to be an issue with our broadband. 

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: Sky puck lip sync issue

@Si99 wrote:

I now hope to cancel my sky stream and will never come back to sky - I solved the lip sync by connecting puck to soundbar hdmi earc in then earc out to  tv hdmi , hdmi cable is ugreens latest 48gbps, today trying to watch Eurosport's UHD coverage of French open and it's horrendous - the sound of ball hitting racquet is completely out of sync. I have tried pass through which previously was okay but also pcm ,Dolby etc but it's all out of sync - normal hd is okay and no delay.  If they won't let me Cancel as still during contract I'll see what consumer rights I have as not getting advertised uhd product and will not come back to sky. After all paying extra for uhd Dolby atmos pack. This issue is all over the thread and has been for months.....skys usp was uhd sport given tnt has so little but if the puck is under powered its just a waste of money each month. 

^ive been telling people to do this for a while now but not sure anyone listened. Ie. Connecting puck to the soundbar rather than the tv. This usually fixes lip sync issues  occurring using soundbars.

Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Superfast
This message was authored by Paul+Dray This message was authored by: Paul+Dray

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

BTW my pucks updated today from QS027.508.00P to QS028.516.00P

Pioneer Kuro PDP-LX5090 50in Plasma TV | Yamaha DSP-AX863 SE AV Amp
Sky Stream Puck; Build: QS034.023.02P | Sky Broadband Superfast
This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Just put the tennis on for 2 minutes and it seems to be working fine

Not had the update as yet

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )
This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Paul+Dray wrote:

BTW my pucks updated today from QS027.508.00P to QS028.516.00P

Yup, the rollout has indeed started, will likley take a few weeks before all customers are on it.


For those customers who had the lip sync issues, when you are upgraded its worth testing to see if the issue has been solved in the new update.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by CPoin This message was authored by: CPoin

Re: Sky puck lip sync issue

Unfortunately many soundbars will only have the one hdmi port, so putting it between the puck and TV isn't an option in such cases. 

This message was authored by Super+Anthony This message was authored by: Super+Anthony

Re: QS025 Lip Sync Issues

Mine hasn't as yet.

Much different? @Paul+Dray 

(Please Note: I am Neurodivergent )

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