Discussion topic: HAYU Application continues to not work

This message was authored by Bat007ninja This message was authored by: Bat007ninja

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

I've given up at this point. I have to change the HDMI over and use the Hayu app on the fire stick, or use the App Store on my LG TV. It's so much quicker than restarting the Sky Box every time 

This message was authored by gpnocky This message was authored by: gpnocky

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Checked this morning and it's working fine for now on my Q box, no flickering at all. 👍

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Flies in the face of signing up for Hayu through Sky for easiness doesn't it. 


The amount of people that have an issue still and I have no doubt there will be others that aren't in this thread and we just get left. Honestly, it is terrible customer service. Months now there has been a problem. I know I pay a lot of money to Sky each month and have done for many years. Never asked for support. On the occasion when I do they are no where really. It was Hayu who where slightly better.  

So disappointed. I know mine is fixed but I feel for everyone else who are still facing issues.

This message was authored by Taity This message was authored by: Taity

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work



will we receive a refund for the gaps in service? 


This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work


I have asked Hayu and Sky however I have not had a response to that very same question 🤔 

This message was authored by sam94uk This message was authored by: sam94uk

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

How long does it take to refresh the app. If I move away from the screen that says 'your apps are being refreshed' does it stop refreshing them?

I ask because I started the refresh a couple of days ago and it still won't play smoothly. 
how do I know what version of the app I've got?

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

I am sure I was told it can take up to 24 hrs so yours should have been updated. 🤔

This message was authored by sam94uk This message was authored by: sam94uk

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

I'm on version 1.11.4(sky[sky]). 
is that the right one?

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Yeah that's the one I am on too. 

This message was authored by sam94uk This message was authored by: sam94uk

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

thank you Patricia

Topic Author
This message was authored by paul1harrison This message was authored by: paul1harrison

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

I have gone ahead and cancelled my HAYU subscription through Sky, after creating this discussion and seeing so many others having similar problems with no real action to solve or fix the issue from either side, I don't want to waste the money. 

it is very easy to cancel, go to your settings and select Apps, follow it to your subscriptions where you find HAYU, you select cancel from there. Took a few minutes to do.



This message was authored by gpnocky This message was authored by: gpnocky

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

We had the dreaded flickering & black screen come back a couple of days ago but after exiting the app then opening it again it was fine.


I think the Hayu app is a bit flaky.  😄 Apart from that small glitch it has worked for around a week now. 

This message was authored by PatriciaNC This message was authored by: PatriciaNC

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

🥳 long may it continue

This message was authored by Middlet This message was authored by: Middlet

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work



Is there any update on this? 

I've only just received my sky glass tv and can't access Hayu. 

I've just spoken with Sky and apparently they are 'working on it'. 


This message was authored by Wendible This message was authored by: Wendible

Re: HAYU Application continues to not work

Not sure what you do with a new tv, but the refresh - scroll back up for details - seems to have mostly worked for a few of us. Mine still flickers and does the occasional black screen when I open it, but haven't had an issue watching shows for over a week now. Fingers crossed I haven't just cursed myself!


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