Discussion topic: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

This message was authored by Jon121 This message was authored by: Jon121

Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

Last week my parents decided to proceed with ordering 2 Sky Stream Pucks and I said I would write this review to provide an honest account of our experience to date.  The following points apply

  1. Day 1 – ordered Sky Pucks
  2. Day 2 – Both Sky Pucks are delivered
  3. Day 3 – Tried to setup both Sky pucks.  Tried the first one, but due to the remote loosing connection we contacted Skys helpdesk.  They did a number of operations to try and get the remote to connect to the first puck, but without success. They also kept asking me to press various sequences of the numbered buttons on the remote to reset it, but each time I did, the on screen notification they were expecting to appear never did.  They then tried the other puck and initially It seemed to connect.  They said they would send out a new remote as a replacement for the first box.  They asked if I could see a back light on the remote buttons but at the time I couldn’t due to daylight. We also had a second issue where the channel 4 app keeps freezing and they did an app refresh which would take up to 24 hrs to complete.  So far this issue seems to have been resolved.
  4. Day 3 – The second boxes remote stopped working after I tried to access the channel 4 app, but the app froze and after power cycling the box, the remote would not work.  I had to call Sky’s helpdesk again.  The helpdesk operative I spoke to explained that they would have to send out another remote to me for the second box.  I was then informed that this could take up to 5 days.  This will mean I will potentially be without a working service for 5 days until the remotes arrive.   They explained that Sky do not have the option of using an app for controlling the Stream Puck, unlike the Sky Q box, which has this functionality.  I asked the helpdesk operative if they could change delivery to next day, but they informed me that they use Royal Mail and they have no option to provide next day delivery, which would have been reasonable given the lack of ability to watch TV with their service, without a working remote. This is how their management system is setup, so they can get the pucks to you next day by DPD, but if replacement equipment is needed they send it via a slower Royal Mail service.  The operative explained that there is no one you can talk to in sky, who can change the management system to make it more customer service focused.
  5. Day 3 – I waited for a few hours and then tried to setup the pucks again.  This time with limited success as both remotes keep loosing their link to the puck meaning I have to reset the puck and re link the remote which is frustrating.  I have also found a very helpful facebook user group site called “Sky Stream Puck – tips & issues” which I would highly recommend people reading before purchasing, which explains the long list of issues with the Sky Stream service both past and current. The users explained that the issue with the remotes is a known issue and apparently has been for some time and potentially relates to pucks recently issued to customers (Note: on both occasions when I contacted the help desk, they did not make me aware that this was a known issue).  I also noticed that in the darker light of the evening I could see the back light on the remotes, but this is not visible when operating during daylight.  The service partially worked that evening.
  6. Day 4 – I tried to turn both pucks on with the remote controls but they would not turn the pucks on. The remote still turns the TV on which would lead me to conclude the issue is with the puck and not the remote, but I have to turn the pucks on by pressing the button once manually on the underside of the puck.  The puck then turns on and the remote seems to work without the need to re pair it with the puck.  I have also noticed that subtitles do not appear when I turn the subtitle function on which again is disappointing.

Overall as you can appreciate this is not a great first impression of what is an “expensive” service.  I am going to give sky a chance to send out the new remotes, but if they do not resolve the problems in a reasonable period of time, ie. before the 14 day period ends, then they leave me no choice but to consider leaving.   I hope this helps other make a more informed decision before purchasing the service.


All Replies

This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Issue number 5 - current problem with all sky pucks received in the last month - under investigation by sky there is a separate thread to this 


thread I have 2 sky glass and 3 pucks for two years and had no problems in that time ....

43inch Gen 1 and 55 inch Gen 2 Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks. Virgin media M350 hub 5x. Four sky mobile sims.
Topic Author
This message was authored by Jon121 This message was authored by: Jon121

Re: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

Thanks for sharing your experience and appreciate it is sadly different to mine

This message was authored by Ripleys_Cat This message was authored by: Ripleys_Cat

Re: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve


Sadly the Sky Stream 'experience' can at best be described as variable. 

Some people love it and have no issues. Others find it catastrophically bad from day 1. Many people continue to live with its issues, convinced that it will get better.

It has gotten a bit better over time, but it's still nowhere near perfect. In fact, it's probably nowhere near good enough what it should be considering the price Sky charge. 

I think it's best to say that when it works it's pretty good. Picture quality can be excellent, but there are still things about it which can cause a less than perfect viewing experience. 

This message was authored by Kempston This message was authored by: Kempston

Re: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

@Jon121 said "but they informed me that they use Royal Mail and they have no option to provide next day delivery, which would have been reasonable given the lack of ability to watch TV with their service, without a working remote. This is how their management system is setup, so they can get the pucks to you next day by DPD, but if replacement equipment is needed they send it via a slower Royal Mail service. "


They lied to you. My replacement puck and remote was sent out last week via DPD on next day. The DPD guy even took my old puck with him in an exchange.

This message was authored by Laing1 This message was authored by: Laing1

Re: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Kempston wrote:

@Jon121 said "but they informed me that they use Royal Mail and they have no option to provide next day delivery, which would have been reasonable given the lack of ability to watch TV with their service, without a working remote. This is how their management system is setup, so they can get the pucks to you next day by DPD, but if replacement equipment is needed they send it via a slower Royal Mail service. "


They lied to you. My replacement puck and remote was sent out last week via DPD on next day. The DPD guy even took my old puck with him in an exchange.

@Jon121 thats to replace the puck and remote unfortunately sky have nothing in place with DPD for replacing a remote only, replacement remotes for any Sky service have always been sent by royal mail so Sky have not lied about only sending replacement remotes by royal mail 

I may be a Sky Superuser but I am still just a Sky customer

Sky Q 2 TB (Silver)Box, 2 Mini boxes since June 2016, all connected by wifi
Sky Broadband Hub/SR203, Sky Ultrafast broadband
Ultimate on Demand, Q Experience/UHD, Sky Sports, Sky Cinema
LG 49SJ 810 V UHD TV, Google Pixel 7 Pro mobile
This message was authored by satellitebadger This message was authored by: satellitebadger

Re: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

@Jon121  I am a new Sky Stream customer too and have had similar issues.


I had the same issue with subtitles, and was only able to fix it by doing a factory reset.  Annoying as you have to log into all the apps again, although it does keep your playlist intact.

This message was authored by PSC133 This message was authored by: PSC133

Re: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

@satellitebadger wrote:

@Jon121  I am a new Sky Stream customer too and have had similar issues.


I had the same issue with subtitles, and was only able to fix it by doing a factory reset.  Annoying as you have to log into all the apps again, although it does keep your playlist intact.

The problem of subtitles not working on many (all?) new pucks has been ongoing ever since pucks were introduced.  The only solution is a factory reset which Sky discourage customers from performing unless supervised by Sky on the phone as it can be problematical.


You might have thought that this issue would have been solved by now but obviously not.  I had to do a factory reset 7 times (6 pucks and 1 replacement puck) back in October '22 as subtitles wouldn't work on any of them.  

To save time and frustration Sky ought to warn customers who rely on subtitles to check whether they are working before setting up all the apps.  I had logged into apps on all my original 6 pucks before discovering the issue.  Obviously they all had to be set up again.  Nightmare!

Topic Author
This message was authored by Jon121 This message was authored by: Jon121

Re: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

As an update I have now got working subtitles on both pucks, but as you say, I had to do a few factory resets on the puck to get to the point where they worked.  I also think Sky's IT bodgers have been fiddling in the back ground, given the amount of fustration voiced on both these forums and the very helpful facebook user group site.  Given the money we are spending for this system and the length of time it has been on the market, i don't think its un reasonable to expect the equipment to turn up as a plug and play setup. Hopefully things improve.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Jon121 This message was authored by: Jon121

Re: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

Yes i realise this now as my new remotes arrived on monday which was faster then the 5 days promised.  For the sake of having a remote control app that you can use on your phone - they have gone backwards since Sky Q

Topic Author
This message was authored by Jon121 This message was authored by: Jon121

Re: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

Yes but its pretty poor customer service that they are able to send the pucks next day and then have their customer service staff only able to send replacement parts via snail mail given the cost of their system.

This message was authored by Carrotman This message was authored by: Carrotman

Re: Dissapointing first impression - long list of problems taking a long time for sky to resolve

Have had it over a year now. Stalling, freezing...had these issues too. To this day, can't get YouTube to work. Terrible system. And the interface is the worst I have ever seen. 


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