Discussion topic: C4 and ITVX ad skip issue

This message was authored by maharaja This message was authored by: maharaja

C4 and ITVX ad skip issue



new customer having just switched from Virgin


We have Ad Skip included as part of our package and it works on Sky content but not on the ITVX and Channel 4 apps


has anyone else had this/know what the issue might be?


Many thanks

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This message was authored by Ellie_TV This message was authored by: Ellie_TV Answer

Re: C4 and ITVX ad skip issue

@maharaja wrote:



new customer having just switched from Virgin


We have Ad Skip included as part of our package and it works on Sky content but not on the ITVX and Channel 4 apps


has anyone else had this/know what the issue might be?


Many thanks

You have to manually fast forward through the ads when using the ITVX and Channel 4 apps. There is no 'skip ads' button for these services. The only way to make them completely ad-free is to sign up to their premium services at additional cost. 

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This message was authored by Ellie_TV This message was authored by: Ellie_TV Answer

Re: C4 and ITVX ad skip issue

@maharaja wrote:



new customer having just switched from Virgin


We have Ad Skip included as part of our package and it works on Sky content but not on the ITVX and Channel 4 apps


has anyone else had this/know what the issue might be?


Many thanks

You have to manually fast forward through the ads when using the ITVX and Channel 4 apps. There is no 'skip ads' button for these services. The only way to make them completely ad-free is to sign up to their premium services at additional cost. 

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: C4 and ITVX ad skip issue

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @maharaja it's worth noting that's on ITV X and the c4 app it's not "skipping ads" as such what happens is that the fast forward button is enabled allowing you to fast forward them


Is fast forwarding not working for you then on those app?

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This message was authored by maharaja This message was authored by: maharaja

Re: C4 and ITVX ad skip issue

Yes that works, I hadn't thought to try that. 

thank you both. 


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