Discussion topic: sending rentals from online sky store to my box

This message was authored by Adam+decruz This message was authored by: Adam+decruz

sending rentals from online sky store to my box


i recieved a voucher which i had to reddem online .

after signing in online i purchursed a movie and expected to sync to my skyqbox which it hasnt 

after looking in the online account my skyqbox is one of the manage devices , in fact i have no devices to manage or send too.


however i have put the sky go app on my phone and the movie has synced to my my go app .


any help how to send it to my tv would be much appreciated 

Best Answers
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: sending rentals from online sky store to my box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


With rented films it is not possible to send them to your Sky Q box as they can only be viewed online when this was how it was purchased. If you have Chromecast you can use this to watch it back via your TV or if you TV is an LG then you can use the inbuilt Sky Store app to watch it. 


This doesn't apply to Buy and Keep films which can be sent to your Sky Q box.

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