@Jason+Briggs wrote:
- This is a complete cash cow for sky. £13.99 for a digital copy only (which is basically sky selling the same copy over and over again)
You are paying for a licence that allows you access to the HD Digital content on your compatible Sky box and your registered compatible devices for Sky Store, such as Now TV/Roku, PC/laptop, Android/iOS smartphone or tablet, LG Smart TV and Chromecast. The latter compatible devices allow access even if you leave Sky TV in the future.
It's not the same digital licence issued over and over again.
@Jason+Briggs wrote:
- When you buy the buy and keep your buying the physical copy and the digital is only for convince hence only being £2 extra.
It's the other way around. Normally, you are buying a HD Digital copy and can choose to add on the DVD or Blu-ray for convenience at an extra £xx.
@Jason+Briggs wrote:
- If at any time in the future we decide to leave sky all digital copy's are lost. Yes that's right all those £13.99 we spend are all for nothing
This is simply not the case. You keep access to your HD Digital content on a wide range of compatible devices, even if you leave Sky at any point in the future.
@Jason+Briggs wrote:
- I'm sure we all understand how covid 19 is causing global crisis but cashing in is not one of them
I am sorry you feel this way.
I'd just like to point out that the HD Digital content we provide is the same price as it was before we had to take the decision to remove the physical purchase option, which is a lower cost to HD Digital + DVD.
Take care and stay safe.