Discussion topic: Purchase of Sing twice

This message was authored by rickeyp This message was authored by: rickeyp

Purchase of Sing twice

I recently received an email regarding a free copy of Sing. I purchased it for £0 online and today I thought I would check it out. I noted that on my sky q box was advertised it again as free. I went to my purchases on the sky q box and could not find it there. I then went to the sky store and (foolishly) purchased it. I now find that I have paid £7.99 for another copy. I checked on my online account and find that I have two copies now. I did not realise that you have to somehow send the film to your box and that you could buy a film twice!

How do I get a refund of my £7.99. I have not watched or downloaded either of the copies yet.

Thanks in advance


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This message was authored by rickeyp This message was authored by: rickeyp Answer

Re: Purchase of Sing twice

OK now. I managed to get a chat and received a refund. 

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