Discussion topic: needing details on sky q upgrade

This message was authored by elle-xo This message was authored by: elle-xo

needing details on sky q upgrade

hi all,


we've currently got Sky Q  at our property, but looking to move back to my family home in the near future. My partner has the account for Sky Q here but at my family home I'm the account & bill payer for Sky HD. Obviously we'd like to upgrade what were used too, but was wondering if we could use our box we currently have here & plug that in to the existing wiring at the family home & to call sky to get our package sorted for the Q once/if we move back on my account & cancel his account as he is now out of contract - just to save someone to come out and set up a new box. Or would it be a call to Sky for a whole new instalation? 

Tia! 😊

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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella Answer

Re: needing details on sky q upgrade

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@elle-xo wrote:

hi all,

we've currently got Sky Q  at our property, but looking to move back to my family home in the near future. My partner has the account for Sky Q here but at my family home I'm the account & bill payer for Sky HD. Obviously we'd like to upgrade what were used too, but was wondering if we could use our box we currently have here & plug that in to the existing wiring at the family home & to call sky to get our package sorted for the Q once/if we move back on my account & cancel his account as he is now out of contract - just to save someone to come out and set up a new box. Or would it be a call to Sky for a whole new instalation? 
Tia! 😊

Would mean a completely new installation @elle-xo 

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