Discussion topic: What is required for Ultra HD?

This message was authored by GemPalt This message was authored by: GemPalt

What is required for Ultra HD?

Could anyone tell me exactly what's required to be able to access Ultra HD? We've been thinking over upgrading to a 4k TV and then getting Sky Ultra HD for the football and F1 but we are unsure if we'll be able to. 

We remember reading somewhere before that the UHD comes through as 'on demand' and thus uses the broadband rather than the dish, is this true? We have Sky Q and not Stream or Glass, and we can only get 28-30Mbps fibre connection here and we aren't sure if that means we won't be able to get UHD. Obviously we want to find out because if we can't then there is no point upgrading the tv etc. 


Thanks in advance for any info and/advice

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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99 Answer

Re: What is required for Ultra HD?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@GemPalt wrote:

Could anyone tell me exactly what's required to be able to access Ultra HD? We've been thinking over upgrading to a 4k TV and then getting Sky Ultra HD for the football and F1 but we are unsure if we'll be able to. 

We remember reading somewhere before that the UHD comes through as 'on demand' and thus uses the broadband rather than the dish, is this true? We have Sky Q and not Stream or Glass, and we can only get 28-30Mbps fibre connection here and we aren't sure if that means we won't be able to get UHD. Obviously we want to find out because if we can't then there is no point upgrading the tv etc. 


Thanks in advance for any info and/advice

hi @GemPalt 


As far as SKY Q goes - 4k UHD/HDR is only available on the main box not minis so the TV has to be connected to the main box


To get UHD/HDR you need an HDR capable box - look in :

Home - Settings - System Info - Hardware Version 

If it is 32B1xxx or 32B2xxx then you already have a UHD/HDR box if 32B0xxx then it is UHD but not HDR if 32Cxxx then it is not UHD


If you don't have the right box you can upgrade by calling SKY but there will be a cost


To watch UHD content on SKY channels you must have the UHD add on 



To watch live sport such as Football, F1 Cricket & some others then no it does not use your broadband  - it comes via the Satellite just like the other live channels so you will be OK.


Other UHD content such as SKY Cinema  and some entertainment shows available in UHD are downloaded & use your broadband but SKY content is not streamed - they are downloads - so it doesn't  matter if your broadband isn't fast enough to stream for these - as you download to watch later


If you do want to stream in UHD via apps (either via SKY Q or the TV's inbuilt apps) such as Netflix, Disney+. Amazon Prime then you do need higher broadband - I am sorry  I can't remember the specific recommendations off the top of my head - I was on 35Mbs Fibre to Cabinet and was able to stream in UHD/HDR  

BTW Although SKY Q is convenient for the apps we generally advise to use the TV's inbuilt apps as they are tuned for the TV and often have a different version of HDR called Dolby Vision which is considered better


One thing to watch out for some TVs support UHD/HDR but are just not bright enough for use with SKY's version of HDR used for the football  (& all it's other HDR)   content so get them to confirm that the TV you are looking at buying is bright enough  for watching HDR via SKY - although you can get & watch UHD that is not HDR  many people notice little difference between HD & non HDR UHD.

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