Discussion topic: Ultra hd is it worth it?

This message was authored by will28 This message was authored by: will28

Ultra hd is it worth it?



So I've got sky signature and cinema is it worth getting the ultra hd add on?

Also if a TV show is available in the ultra hd format do you have to download the new episodes manually each week,or is there an option for them to be automatically download as they're released? If no do you think they'll ever add it as an option?

Thank you.



All Replies

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Ultra hd is it worth it?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@will28 wrote:



So I've got sky signature and cinema is it worth getting the ultra hd add on?

Also if a TV show is available in the ultra hd format do you have to download the new episodes manually each week,or is there an option for them to be automatically download as they're released? If no do you think they'll ever add it as an option?

Thank you.


hi @will28 


It is very difficult for anyone  to advise regarding worth as it is always down to personal opinion & your viewing habbits & also how much you feel you benefit from the improvement of UHD over HD. 


Most people find the difference for HDR is the largest - to benefit from this you must have an HDR capable box and a TV that is good enough  to work with SKYs' version of HDR - HLG  the same as used by BBC iPlayer - some (generally older ones or lower proced ones) are too dark when this is used.


Many UHD Films & shows also have Dolby Atmos sound which is another benefit if you can benefit from it  


There are many films in UHD & quite a few dramas, comedies and nature programmes in UHD   but less than films (I think - I haven't done any analysis)


The auto download for series is a little convoluted.

If the full series is already available (e.g. older series that are available) then the next episode will download when you start watching an episode & thus available to watch when you have finished the one you started

With new series, where episodes are only availbe each week there is not the same download so you have to either search & download it or I have found a slightly easier way is to keep last week's episode & then when the new episode is available I go back and watch a little of last week's causing the auto download I mention when they are availble  


Of course,  many people get UHD for Sports  such as Football, F1, Cricket & others - so if you also have Sports there is more benefit 


Regarding  boxes:

Home - Settings - System Info - Hardware Version
If it is 32Cxxx then you have an older 1TB non-UHD Box
If it is 32B0xxx then you have a (V1) UHD but non HDR 2TB Box
If it is 32B1xxx then you have a (V2) UHD HDR 2TB Box (which has a separate Power supply)
If it is 32B2xxx then you have a (V3) UHD HDR 1TB or 2TB Box

Topic Author
This message was authored by will28 This message was authored by: will28

Re: Ultra hd is it worth it?

Thankyou. Do you know if a new episode comes at 2am and repeated at 9pm e.g. the rookie on sky witness. Will it be available to download from 2am in uhd?

Also I get netflix from sky will this be upgraded to give me uhd content where available if I get the uhd add-on?

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Ultra hd is it worth it?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@will28 wrote:

Thankyou. Do you know if a new episode comes at 2am and repeated at 9pm e.g. the rookie on sky witness. Will it be available to download from 2am in uhd?

Also I get netflix from sky will this be upgraded to give me uhd content where available if I get the uhd add-on?

hi @will28 


I don't know about at 2am  as I am not up then but I am currently watching House of the Dragon and can download the UHD version when I get up usually somehwere  between 0700 & 0900


A couple of years ago we did generally have to wait for UHD versions even after 9pm  but I think that has now been sorted.


No the UHD add on no longer affects Netflix Level which now require a separate 'Boost' add on.


From Mid December 2023 the levels are :
Netflix  (Base level) is the With Ads service  - 2 Screens in HD (list cost £4)
Boost to Netflix Standard - 2 Screens in HD Ad free  (list price an additional £6  thus £10 in total for Netflix) 
Boost to Netflix Premium - 4 Screens  up to UHD/HDR  (list price an additional £11 thus £15 in total for Netflix) 

P.S. When you pay via SKY, you still cannot, currently, add the 'extra member' add on for use by family members not in your physical household that is available for those paying directly to Netflix

Topic Author
This message was authored by will28 This message was authored by: will28

Re: Ultra hd is it worth it?

Thankyou. Do you know when sky offer this boost option for netflix as I can't see it on my sky app?

So would end up paying more than an extra £4 for uhd add on if I want netflix in uhd to?


Update: sorry just reread the last post so uhd add-on plus netflix in uhd would add £15 to my sky bill.


This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Ultra hd is it worth it?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@will28 wrote:

Thankyou. Do you know when sky offer this boost option for netflix as I can't see it on my sky app?

So would end up paying more than an extra £4 for uhd add on if I want netflix in uhd to?


Update: sorry just reread the last post so uhd add-on plus netflix in uhd would add £15 to my sky bill.


hi @will28 


I don't think the boost options are available online just by calling


BTW It might be a slightly less increase for Netflix if you are currently paying more than £4 for it (the older Standard level - that is no longer available to add & people are moved from on any significant change - was £6 I think) 

This message was authored by stereohaven This message was authored by: stereohaven

Re: Ultra hd is it worth it?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@will28 Live sport is the main driver for having UHD on Sky Q in my view.


If you don't have sport, the benefit of the upgrade to UHD for shows and most movies is negligible IMHO.


I am a fan of Netflix Premium, but I watch in Dolby Vision on my Apple TV 4K to maximise that investment. The app is decent enough on Q but not without bugs currently.


LG B6 OLED 55” | LG UP75 LCD 43” | Sky Q | Sky Q Mini | Apple TV 4K | SONOS Beam 2 | Sky Mobile | FTTC BT Halo 3+
Topic Author
This message was authored by will28 This message was authored by: will28

Re: Ultra hd is it worth it?

Oh I use the apps netflix etc via my TV as they load up quicker and seem to be more reliable than using them via sky Q.

Think I've chosen against uhd as I have a Sony oled and that makes hd content look good anyway.

Having said that my current sky TV content is up for renewal will I lose netflix in hd and or without adverts or will have to pay more currently pay £49 for everything but sports/kids and broadband &phone

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Ultra hd is it worth it?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@will28 wrote:


 my current sky TV content is up for renewal will I lose netflix in hd and or without adverts 

Under the new system Netflix defaults to Standard (HD) with adverts (two devices)

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
Topic Author
This message was authored by will28 This message was authored by: will28

Re: Ultra hd is it worth it?

Ok thank you adverts I don't find as long as they don't go on to long or come on to often

This message was authored by simon194 This message was authored by: simon194

Re: Ultra hd is it worth it?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@will28 wrote:

Thankyou. Do you know when sky offer this boost option for netflix as I can't see it on my sky app?

So would end up paying more than an extra £4 for uhd add on if I want netflix in uhd to?


Update: sorry just reread the last post so uhd add-on plus netflix in uhd would add £15 to my sky bill.


Sky changed their pricing to align with the new subscription prices Netflix introduced last year so the savings aren't as great as they used to be.

Sky Q 2TB v2 (Q150.000.28.00L) + ; 2x Mini, Philips 55OLED806, Lumagen Radiance Pro 4242,
Yamaha RX-A3080 + NAD C270 (7.1.4)

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