03 Oct 2023 12:33 PM
Sky Q connected via HDMI to LG tv, when I switch on Sky Q, the TV starts up, identifies the Sky Q box, but intermittently reports no video signal.
It will sometimes connect after a few seconds, but if not the only way to fix it is to either, power off and on, or unplug and re-insert the HDMI cable.
Getting very frustrated with this and if I can't get a solution will cancel my sky and find an alternative.
For completness, the sound is routed to an external amp via the HDMI arc connector and I also have an Amazom portal connect via HDMI. The TV is less than 6 months old, the HDMI cable from Q box to TV is the one provided by Sky.
One last peice, if I switch on the portal the TV input switches correctly, if I then press home on the Sky remote the TV switches to the correct input, but still no video (assuming I have this problem from startup).
The problem is intermittent and ony occurs on initial switch-on, but very irritating and I want to get this sorted,
05 Oct 2023 05:04 PM
Got the same issue except now it's become permanent!
05 Oct 2023 05:20 PM
Would be good if we could get some kind of response from Sky!
29 Nov 2023
04:51 PM
- last edited:
29 Nov 2023
04:55 PM
I've got the same issue. What's going on Sky? I can't keep on unplugging the HDMI cable as my box is hidden behind a media wall (removed)
Moderator note: Removed inappropriate language
03 Dec 2023 09:36 PM
Mine the same , doesnt matter if i change the input either, xbox x , Blu ray , firestick are always picked up by LG tv, sky Q nope doesnt recognise, power on and off but no use if its recording the programme, i am cancelling sky
03 Dec 2023 09:47 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreAnyone tried running a lower / less demanding res, just to see what happens?
04 Dec 2023 11:49 AM
I finally got in touch with Sky customer support in the UK and the guy there sauid its a known problem and seems to be connected to the amount of storage used fro recording. He advised me to get that down to 70% or less, whch I did and that seemed to cure the problem.
It takes several seconds to make the connection, but so far it always has.
I would think that would be a relatively simple thing for Sky to fix, but so far no sign of it - maybe need more of us to complain. After all this limits the starage capacity for recording.
Hope this helps.
04 Dec 2023 12:18 PM - last edited: 04 Dec 2023 12:19 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@GeorgeGee wrote:I finally got in touch with Sky customer support in the UK and the guy there sauid its a known problem and seems to be connected to the amount of storage used fro recording. He advised me to get that down to 70% or less, whch I did and that seemed to cure the problem.
It takes several seconds to make the connection, but so far it always has.
I would think that would be a relatively simple thing for Sky to fix, but so far no sign of it - maybe need more of us to complain. After all this limits the starage capacity for recording.
Hope this helps.
I find it hard to believe that's anything other than coincidence. Have heard of sky support telling people that and it making no difference. Thanks for sharing though. Interesting.
04 Dec 2023 02:02 PM
Could well be a coincidence, but when I had used up over 97% of recording space I usually had to unplug and re-connect the HDMI cable to get it to work. Once I reduced the used recording space to around 70%, it has connected every time for about 6 weeks now.
There is clearly a mismatch in how the Sky and LG HDMI interconnects and protocals are implemented and work (or not) together. I hope there is work going on to fix this properly, but I have no idea.
I don't have the expertise to figure out if my 'fix' is nothing more than a coincidence, but whether or not it is, it seems to work for me, so I'll take that!
10 Oct 2024 08:28 PM
I have the exact problem. I have to turn off the LGTV wait for the click then press home on the sky Q and it will start up to the sky Q Home Screen. Very frustrating
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