Discussion topic: TV Essentials Sky Atlantic

This message was authored by Grace1973 This message was authored by: Grace1973

TV Essentials Sky Atlantic

Hi there, my bill is so high and as I live on my own, it seems crazy. Does anyone know if you still get Sky Atlantic if you drop to TV Essentials on a Sky Q box? All info online seems to suggest yes, but guy from sky I spoke to on the phone said you don't. I'm wondering if this is true before I make decision. Thanks 

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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99 Answer

Re: Sky TV Essentials Details

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Grace1973 wrote:

Would you tell me can you get Sky Atlantic on TV essentials with sky Q? Thanks 

hi @Grace1973 


No, unfortunately not - you only get the 'Free to Air' channels via the SKY Q essentials - SKY Atlantic is not Free To Air


SKY Q essentials is not the same as the recently  announced similarly named  package only available on Glass/Stream called Essential TV


It is unfortunate that SKY have reused the essential name for a package that is dfifferent 

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