Discussion topic: Smart Series Links

This message was authored by Ray+Keenan This message was authored by: Ray+Keenan

Smart Series Links

Set a timer to record the series of 'Fire Country' and instead of setting the timer for next Wednesday's episode, it's set a timer to record the repeat on Saturday night. Anyone else have this? 

I also record a show on True Crime channel and instead of setting the timer for the next episode, it sets a timer  for the same show but an earlier series on a different day  which I've already seen before. Every single time. It drives me bonkers sometimes. I just want to see the latest episodes not every single one that has ever existed ever. Is this a broadcaster issue or a Sky Q box issue? It's more annoying than anything. 


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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella Answer

Re: Smart Series Links

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Ray+Keenan wrote:

Set a timer to record the series of 'Fire Country' and instead of setting the timer for next Wednesday's episode, it's set a timer to record the repeat on Saturday night. Anyone else have this? 

I also record a show on True Crime channel and instead of setting the timer for the next episode, it sets a timer  for the same show but an earlier series on a different day  which I've already seen before. Every single time. It drives me bonkers sometimes. I just want to see the latest episodes not every single one that has ever existed ever. Is this a broadcaster issue or a Sky Q box issue? It's more annoying than anything. 

Hi @Ray+Keenan 

Afraid it's a broadcaster issue.  Not a fault of the Q box.

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All Replies

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella Answer

Re: Smart Series Links

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Ray+Keenan wrote:

Set a timer to record the series of 'Fire Country' and instead of setting the timer for next Wednesday's episode, it's set a timer to record the repeat on Saturday night. Anyone else have this? 

I also record a show on True Crime channel and instead of setting the timer for the next episode, it sets a timer  for the same show but an earlier series on a different day  which I've already seen before. Every single time. It drives me bonkers sometimes. I just want to see the latest episodes not every single one that has ever existed ever. Is this a broadcaster issue or a Sky Q box issue? It's more annoying than anything. 

Hi @Ray+Keenan 

Afraid it's a broadcaster issue.  Not a fault of the Q box.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Ray+Keenan This message was authored by: Ray+Keenan

Re: Smart Series Links

Thought it might be. There's smart series link and then there's not-too- Smart Series link. Ah well. 


Thanks for replying 🙂 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Ray+Keenan This message was authored by: Ray+Keenan

Re: Smart Series Links

Im still having the issue with the series link for Fire Country. Now i'm having an issue with the Chicago series also on the Sky Witness. This time the series link is not being picked up at all and i have to manually reset it every time. What is with my box  and this channel right now? As has been previously explained, its a broadcaster issue and not my box. Anyone know who I can contact about this, if any one because it is driving me demented. 

And also out of curiosity, is anyone else having an issue with this channel and their series links? 

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Smart Series Links

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Ray+Keenan wrote:

Im still having the issue with the series link for Fire Country. Now im having an issue with the Chicago series also on the Sky Witness. This time the series link os not being picked up at all and i have to manually reset it every time. What is with my box  and this channel right now? As has been previously explained, its a broadcaster issue and not my box. Anyone know who incancontact about this because it is driving me demented. 

And out of curiosity, is anyone else having an issue with this channel and their series link issue? 

Hi @Ray+Keenan 

If you have Specific examples of series link issues you can report them to Sky Viewer relations.



Topic Author
This message was authored by Ray+Keenan This message was authored by: Ray+Keenan

Re: Smart Series Links

Thank you @oldfella , i've emailed them. Maybe something will come of it, maybe it won't but at least i've tried. 🙂 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Ray+Keenan This message was authored by: Ray+Keenan

Re: Smart Series Links

The email is bouncing back for some reason (and i've copied the address exactly how you sent it to me) 

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Smart Series Links

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Ray+Keenan wrote:

The email is bouncing back for some reason (and i've copied the address exactly how you sent it to me) 

My fault @Ray+Keenan 

Should be



Topic Author
This message was authored by Ray+Keenan This message was authored by: Ray+Keenan

Re: Smart Series Links

Ahh! That will be why. It was puzzling me. I shall try again. Thanks again 🙂 

This message was authored by MisterT1 This message was authored by: MisterT1

Re: Smart Series Links

Yes, I too have the exact same issue, except mine picks up the Wed episode, the actual date broadcast for new episodes, and Sunday recording as the repeat episode.  It is annoying!

Topic Author
This message was authored by Ray+Keenan This message was authored by: Ray+Keenan

Re: Smart Series Links

If it helps, the series link for the Wednesday 2am airing works properly. I ended up cancelling the Wednesday 9pm series link and resetting it to the earlier 2am one and i havent had a problem since. For whatever reason the 9pm series link doesn't  do what its supposed to do. 


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