02 Dec 2023 10:27 AM
I have 4 Q mini boxes and one of them seems to reboot itself everyday when I switch it in in the morning, then I have to wait a couple of hours for all of the menus to load which is really frustrating .
The box is connected via ethernet so don't have wifi issues.
any clues to fixing it would be appreciated but think it may need replacing
03 Dec 2023 09:15 AM
Posted by a Sky employeeHi there @WillcoxFamily , I’ve escalated your post to our Community Messaging team who will invite you to a private chat shortly and help you with this.
Just look out for the colourful bubble to start the conversation.
Here's more information on how Community Messaging works - https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147
05 Dec 2023 10:18 AM
Posted by a Sky employeeUpdate-We are closing this invite now due to no response within 48 hours. If you still need help, please let us know so we can re-escalate this for you. Thanks.
05 Dec 2023 10:58 AM
I never had the invite, why's it closing?
08 Dec 2023 03:17 PM
please re-escalte
08 Dec 2023 03:24 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out moreHi @WillcoxFamily You don't mention the time in the morning. Just checking that it has nothing to do with your Standby settings. https://www.sky.com/help/articles/using-the-standby-settings
08 Dec 2023 03:45 PM
Why would having it in Eco or active Mode make it do a complete hard reboot,
settings haven't been changed at all just started to do this recently and is set in Eco mode
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