Discussion topic: Second/third sky mini box

This message was authored by Helly28 This message was authored by: Helly28

Second/third sky mini box

Does anyone know how much an additional sky mini box would be? We have Sky Q and a mini box but need a second mini box for a bedroom.


Second question - will Sky Glass work with an existing Sky Q box for a soon to be built extension or does it work independently? 


Thank you!

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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella Answer

Re: Second/third sky mini box

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Helly28 wrote:

Does anyone know how much an additional sky mini box would be? We have Sky Q and a mini box but need a second mini box for a bedroom.


Second question - will Sky Glass work with an existing Sky Q box for a soon to be built extension or does it work independently? 


Thank you!

Hi @Helly28 

You can have up to four minis installed on loan each subject to a one off upfront charge and all under by one single Q monthly Multiscreen subscription.  Minis will require approx £50 upfront charge each.
However only two minis can be used simultaneously on all 2 TB boxes and the 1 TB UHD Main boxes to watch Sky Q content.
The original 1 TB non UHD box (32Cxxx) only permits the use of one mini at a time.
If Sky Apps are already being used on some of the minis these will not normally be counted as in Q use and therefore can be used in addition to the above limits.
See the following link for the Versions of main Q box referred to above.
Subject to the above limits Sky Q minis can be used completely independently of the main Q box and the same or different program or recording can be viewed on each Q box. Even if viewing the same content it is completely independent and can be viewed at the same or different point.
Minis can do all the features same as the main Q box and can set or delete recordings on the main Q box hard drive. There is one single storage area on the main Q box with no profiles and no indication of which Q box has set a recording. (Unlike Sky+HD Multiroom which has independent storage and planners).
It should also be remembered that minis cannot view UHD recordings or content.


You cannot have Sky Glass and Sky Q at the same account address.

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