Discussion topic: Satellite signal - SkyQ

This message was authored by Madjacks007 This message was authored by: Madjacks007

Satellite signal - SkyQ

Since Friday my satellite signal has been bouncing around. Friday and Sat I had  "satellite signal" error message all day. I rebooted, unplugged SKYQ box serveral times but the same. error Yesterday i switched it on and got some sort of "signal" as I could see channels but couldn't pull up the TV guide (spins with waiting for TV schedule). Picture blurry too. Past recordings are there but nothing new since it hasn't detected a signal. Restarted it again this morning and got the "no satellite signal " error again. Turned it on this evening and I have got "signal" again. Pictures are  blurry. When I go to settings - status - satellite signal says "currently have limited or no satellite signal for your sky service". Satellite signal - unlocked, signal quality and strength 0 and LNB type - SCR. Any ideas? I tried ringing SKY and was still on hold 30 mins later. 

Thank you LJ

Best Answers
This message was authored by Godfrey This message was authored by: Godfrey Answer

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Madjacks007   When the Sky Multiple Development Unit (MDU) trained engineer initially installed your Sky Q receiver was your communal Integrated Reception System (IRS) installation already able to support Sky Q receivers, or did the Sky MDU engineer have to install a Unitron dCSS-422 Sky Q Plug-In adaptor in the central IRS distribution cabinet that serves your flat.


If your communal IRS installation already supported a Sky Q receiver without any modification by Sky then initially report your present problem to the landlord's agent responsible for organising the maintenance of your communal IRS installation.


If the Sky MDU trained engineer had to install a Unitron dCSS-422 Sky Q Plug-In adaptor then you will need to report your present reception problem to Sky and arrange for the attendance of a Sky MDU traineed engineer, who will be able to analyse whether you have a problem with your Sky Q receiver, a problem with the Sky Unitron dCSS-422 adaptor, or a problem with your landlord's communal IRS system.



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All Replies

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Madjacks007 

Assume you are on a Communal dish if you have set LNB to SCR?

If on a personal dish LNB setting is Wideband

Topic Author
This message was authored by Madjacks007 This message was authored by: Madjacks007

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

@oldfella correct but others are not having any issues.

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Madjacks007 wrote:

@oldfella correct but others are not having any issues.

Hi @Madjacks007 

You could try a Reset Settings in the Q box hidden menu.  You will have to reset the LNB to SCR and also reset your Remote.
To enter hidden menu press Home and navigate down to Settings but do not select Settings.
With Settings highlighted press 0 0 1 Select.
Only Carry out the first Reset (Reset Settings) as the other two will wipe all recordings.
After the Reset you will have to re pair your Bluetooth remote If you use one.
If you cannot switch the Q box on with the remote after the Reset press the Standby button (Amber led) on the front of the box.
To re pair the remote press 1 & 3 together on the remote and follow onscreen instructions to re pair.

Make sure that you are pointing the remote at the Q box when you press 1 & 3 together.

Resetting the settings will also reset:

Audio visual settings, such as picture resolution and HDMI control
Settings changed within the hidden engineer menu, include LNB type. If on a communal dish you need to reset the LNB to SCR in the hidden menu. After changing the LNB type you need to reboot the Q box.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Madjacks007 This message was authored by: Madjacks007

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

@oldfella thanks for your suggestion - just tried it and unfortunately I now get on all options - to use this service you need a satellite signal.

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Madjacks007 wrote:

@oldfella thanks for your suggestion - just tried it and unfortunately I now get on all options - to use this service you need a satellite signal.

Have you reset the LNB to ScR @Madjacks007 

And then power cycled the Q box?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Madjacks007 This message was authored by: Madjacks007

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

Yes - it was already set to that and I have power cycled the Q box.

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Madjacks007 wrote:

Yes - it was already set to that and I have power cycled the Q box.

hi @Madjacks007 
If you carried out a Reset Settings then this will have reverted the LNB setting to Wideband.

It then needs changing back to SCR and then power cycling the box.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Madjacks007 This message was authored by: Madjacks007

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

@oldfella just checked that after I sent my reply so I have set it SCR and box ir power cycling.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Madjacks007 This message was authored by: Madjacks007

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

Still the same error - to use this service..... @oldfella 

This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Madjacks007 wrote:

Still the same error - to use this service..... @oldfella 

Hi @Madjacks007 

Assume you have turned the Q box off and checked that the dish cable is correctly fitted and not loose.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Madjacks007 This message was authored by: Madjacks007

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

@oldfella yes to both questions

This message was authored by Godfrey This message was authored by: Godfrey Answer

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Madjacks007   When the Sky Multiple Development Unit (MDU) trained engineer initially installed your Sky Q receiver was your communal Integrated Reception System (IRS) installation already able to support Sky Q receivers, or did the Sky MDU engineer have to install a Unitron dCSS-422 Sky Q Plug-In adaptor in the central IRS distribution cabinet that serves your flat.


If your communal IRS installation already supported a Sky Q receiver without any modification by Sky then initially report your present problem to the landlord's agent responsible for organising the maintenance of your communal IRS installation.


If the Sky MDU trained engineer had to install a Unitron dCSS-422 Sky Q Plug-In adaptor then you will need to report your present reception problem to Sky and arrange for the attendance of a Sky MDU traineed engineer, who will be able to analyse whether you have a problem with your Sky Q receiver, a problem with the Sky Unitron dCSS-422 adaptor, or a problem with your landlord's communal IRS system.



Topic Author
This message was authored by Madjacks007 This message was authored by: Madjacks007

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

@Godfrey got the management company to sort it out. They got an engineer out who found a fault and they did their magic by changing an adapter in the cabinet. Thank you.

This message was authored by Katygee This message was authored by: Katygee

Re: Satellite signal - SkyQ

This is happening to me right now, sky are saying 10th April before they can send out a engineer. So basically I'm paying for a service I'm not getting!!! Absolute joke I need to wait 2 months! I will be cancelling my contract and going elsewhere! Would not recommend sky ! 


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