Discussion topic: Recording TNT SPORTS EXTRA and Discovery + Replay Issue

This message was authored by TeflonTed This message was authored by: TeflonTed

Recording TNT SPORTS EXTRA and Discovery + Replay Issue

Morning all. Rugby supporter here, just wanting to clarify a couple of issues ahead of new premiership season starting tonight.  I pay for TNT via SKY, so have HD and second box. Main box 2tb.      2 issues please:-

Does TNT Extra work as a channel (ie I can set to record and keep if required) or is it a red button type stream viewable only live? (Thats what I think is the position) 

Using D+ as an app, Streamed programmes can't be recorded, but will be available to view as whole match replays, but how soon after transmission will that  be, and how long will it stay available?

Asking as I'm expected to know this stuff to help friends, some of whom are even older than me. 


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This message was authored by TeflonTed This message was authored by: TeflonTed Answer

Re: Recording TNT SPORTS EXTRA and Discovery + Replay Issue

Pretty much as I thought. Thanks for the confirmation....appreciated.

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