Discussion topic: Re: Sky Sports + offers the capability to show up to 100 events concurrently.

This message was authored by quincy1908 This message was authored by: quincy1908

Re: Sky Sports + offers the capability to show up to 100 events concurrently.


I have skyQ  which shows up on the sky sport+ programme page as chan 412, however, when I try to access the super league rugby games it doesn't show the game, despite the sky sports app telling me it's on sky sports+

how do I watch the super leagu games on my tv?



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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99 Answer

Re: Sky Sports + offers the capability to show up to 100 events concurrently.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@quincy1908 wrote:


I have skyQ  which shows up on the sky sport+ programme page as chan 412, however, when I try to access the super league rugby games it doesn't show the game, despite the sky sports app telling me it's on sky sports+

how do I watch the super leagu games on my tv?



hi @quincy1908 


If the games don't show on chaennl 412 they are available to watch live via the SKY Sports app

You can access the app on SKY Q by pressing the (...)  button (right of the Home button) or via the Apps section from the main Home Menu. 


You can probably watch by selecting a tile in the SKY Sports section (although I haven't looked for Rugby)


You can also watch these games when live via the SKY Sports app on mobile device such as Tablet or Phone


BT Accessing the app when they are not live may show tiles for upcoming games to let you know which games are on & when

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