Discussion topic: Picture Freezing / breaking up

This message was authored by Cycleman This message was authored by: Cycleman

Picture Freezing / breaking up



before I book an engineer in. Over past week I've had random break ups of the picture but not on all channells.


Comedy and Comedy extra are unwatchable - they just constantly freeze and breakup

Sky sports will do the odd pause and break up / was bad at the weekend but seems better today (possibly after reboot).

then a couple of other channels 118 etc will do the odd pause break up but very random.


I've followed all the troubleshooting steps - reset box /  settings and checked in wideband / software update but hasn't resolved it. 


before I book an engineer to check the LNB - can I check if there are other suggestions; would have presumed it would affect all channels?


cheers matt

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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella Answer

Re: Picture Freezing / breaking up

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@Cycleman wrote:



before I book an engineer in. Over past week I've had random break ups of the picture but not on all channells.


Comedy and Comedy extra are unwatchable - they just constantly freeze and breakup

Sky sports will do the odd pause and break up / was bad at the weekend but seems better today (possibly after reboot).

then a couple of other channels 118 etc will do the odd pause break up but very random.


I've followed all the troubleshooting steps - reset box /  settings and checked in wideband / software update but hasn't resolved it. 


before I book an engineer to check the LNB - can I check if there are other suggestions; would have presumed it would affect all channels?


cheers matt

Hi @Cycleman 

Best to get an Engineer as he can check LNB and dish alignment.

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