Discussion topic: Paramount Plus VIP 6 months free subscription

This message was authored by WayneHolliman This message was authored by: WayneHolliman

Paramount Plus VIP 6 months free subscription

I received a short while ago by Email, as a VIP customer, an offer of 6 months free Paramount Plus Subscription. I am not a Sky Cinema subscribe,r as they autimtically receive this channel. However despite continually trying i was not able to access this offer it would not connect I decided to phone Customer Services for advise and after an extraordinary long wait to be connected, I managed to speak to an advisor. They were not very helpful. They confirmed the offer was genuine, but this was a technical issue so they could not deal with it. They did not try and connect me with a Sky employee that could help. So much for Customer service. Has anyone else encountered this problem, and if so how did you resolve it and receive the 6 months free subscription. It would have been nice to have this additioinal channel offer for the Christmas period