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‎03 Sep 2021 07:05 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Invisiblename wrote:This one sounds interesting!
You were right !
‎03 Sep 2021 07:19 PM
@Doc5907 Well yes !
‎09 Sep 2021 01:47 PM
Quick update, new Sky Q 1 TB UHD box fitted with new Toslink cable for opitical out fitted, Carl the very good Sky tec showed me the problem as I have been Sky user for 21 years, I had a few boxes the last one was a Sky Q HD 1 TB but had an opitical outlet not Toslink the picture I posted was half a broken Opitical plug had snapped off and had been left in the opical out hence the plug kept falling out , how and when it happened I have no idea but it had been like it a very long time, thanks to all and Sky for resolving this issue !
‎09 Sep 2021 01:55 PM
Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more
@Colin+335 wrote:Quick update, new Sky Q 1 TB UHD box fitted with new Toslink cable for opitical out fitted, Carl the very good Sky tec showed me the problem as I have been Sky user for 21 years, I had a few boxes the last one was a Sky Q HD 1 TB but had an opitical outlet not Toslink the picture I posted was half a broken Opitical plug had snapped off and had been left in the opical out hence the plug kept falling out , how and when it happened I have no idea but it had been like it a very long time, thanks to all and Sky for resolving this issue !
Glad it is all sorted for you 🙂
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