Discussion topic: On a YouTube search I need capitals. How do I find these on a sky remote

This message was authored by Crockwell This message was authored by: Crockwell

On a YouTube search I need capitals. How do I find these on a sky remote

I have a smart TV and when I need to enter an access code on YouTube using my Sky remote I don't know how to enter a capital letter. Help please. Currently only lower case letters appear.

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This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley Answer

Re: On a YouTube search I need capitals. How do I find these on a sky remote

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Crockwell wrote:

I have a smart TV and when I need to enter an access code on YouTube using my Sky remote I don't know how to enter a capital letter. Help please. Currently only lower case letters appear.

Is this in the Sky youtube app? Just that you mention the TV.

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