Discussion topic: My sky Engineer turned up yesterday but could not fix the problem as I needed a satellite plug. I sp

This message was authored by Quinntoons This message was authored by: Quinntoons

My sky Engineer turned up yesterday but could not fix the problem as I needed a satellite plug. I sp

My sky engineer turned up yesterday and could not fix the problem as I needed a satellite plug and he didn't have one
I spoke to Sky technical person who said he would arrange another visit with the plug to sort the problem out

He said he would ring me yesterday and that was at 10:44 and I have had no phone call ringing me back I have, however, had a text saying that my Sky visit is cancelled. I don't understand what's happening.



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This message was authored by oldfella This message was authored by: oldfella Answer

Re: My sky Engineer turned up yesterday but could not fix the problem as I needed a satellite plug.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Quinntoons wrote:

My sky engineer turned up yesterday and could not fix the problem as I needed a satellite plug and he didn't have one
I spoke to Sky technical person who said he would arrange another visit with the plug to sort the problem out

He said he would ring me yesterday and that was at 10:44 and I have had no phone call ringing me back I have, however, had a text saying that my Sky visit is cancelled. I don't understand what's happening.

Hi @Quinntoons 

Do you have your own Satellite dish or are you on a Communal system?

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