Discussion topic: Is live football free on discovery+

This message was authored by David+PW This message was authored by: David+PW

Is live football free on discovery+

Just signed up for free Discovery+ on Sky Q and it advertised live champions league football but when I try to watch it seems to want me to subscribe to TNT Sports so I wanted to know if the football is actually free on the app/live stream or am I about to subscribe to TNT Sports?

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This message was authored by Doc5907 This message was authored by: Doc5907 Answer

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@David+PW wrote:

Just signed up for free Discovery+ on Sky Q and it advertised live champions league football but when I try to watch it seems to want me to subscribe to TNT Sports so I wanted to know if the football is actually free on the app/live stream or am I about to subscribe to TNT Sports?

@David+PW  you were never going to get free TNT/BT Sports with your free Sky Discovery + subscription were you.


So if you go ahead and click on the TNT sub you'll be charged £29.99 p/m.

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This message was authored by Doc5907 This message was authored by: Doc5907 Answer

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@David+PW wrote:

Just signed up for free Discovery+ on Sky Q and it advertised live champions league football but when I try to watch it seems to want me to subscribe to TNT Sports so I wanted to know if the football is actually free on the app/live stream or am I about to subscribe to TNT Sports?

@David+PW  you were never going to get free TNT/BT Sports with your free Sky Discovery + subscription were you.


So if you go ahead and click on the TNT sub you'll be charged £29.99 p/m.

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Topic Author
This message was authored by David+PW This message was authored by: David+PW

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

just can't see any reference to subscription within Discovery+. It appears as if the football is included on the programme list.

This message was authored by Doc5907 This message was authored by: Doc5907

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@David+PW   if your really interested in TNT sports there are other (cheaper) options such as, if you have BT broadband you can get it for £20 p/m rolling 31 day contract and another offer if you have ee mobile I believe.

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Topic Author
This message was authored by David+PW This message was authored by: David+PW

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Thanks but don't have either service..

Hoping someone from Sky will perhaps join the conversation to say why it appears that it's included when it not.

This message was authored by xenon81 This message was authored by: xenon81

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Where did you see an advert that the free Sky subscription includes football?


The info on the Sky website makes it clear that TNT involves an additional subscription:



discovery+ Standard is now available at no extra cost for Sky Q, Sky Glass and Sky Stream customers.....


This offer gets you the Standard tier of discovery+. You can upgrade to Premium by subscribing to TNT Sports. The upgrade can take up to 24 hours, although TNT Sports channels will start working within six hours.

This message was authored by SJSmith This message was authored by: SJSmith

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

I know I'm late to the party, but I've found this conversation after having the same problem myself.


No-one is trying to get TNT for free! I too have seen something on the Sky Q 'home' page saying I can get Discovery+ for free and it has football on it. It showed an advert for Arsenal v Crystal Palace today in the Premier League. I signed up and now have Discovery+, so went to the Sport section, found the match, and only now does it say I need a TNT subscription.


The point is, this is the first anything has been said about TNT, for which I know a separate subscription is needed. The implication was clearly that this match could be watched by signing up for free to Discovery+.


I now have an extra channel I don't want (I've looked at lots of what they have and nothing interests me) and don't have the one thing they promised me. (I'm aware they didn't literally 'promise' it, but why say the channel is free, say it includes sport, and show a graphic of today's Arsenal v Crystal Palace match, and then not deliver that?) Maybe I'm meant to think "Oh no, I thought it was free, but now I see it's a TNT match and you want an extra £28 a month, here's my money". Instead I think less of Discovery and less of Sky.

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SJSmith wrote:

Maybe I'm meant to think "Oh no, I thought it was free, but now I see it's a TNT match and you want an extra £28 a month, here's my money". 

Probably, yes.  Warner Bros Discovery Inc would rather like to get something from their investment.

* * * * * * *

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This message was authored by Dave_G This message was authored by: Dave_G

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Well said SJSmith, that is exactly my point, they clearly imply you can watch the game with your Discovery+ channel "but you can't".


Dave G

This message was authored by best+of+the+best This message was authored by: best+of+the+best

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Dave_G wrote:

Well said SJSmith, that is exactly my point, they clearly imply you can watch the game with your Discovery+ channel "but you can't".


Dave G

You can watch the match within the Discovery+ app via the Sky Q box if you have a TNT Sports subscription @Dave_G 

If you subscribe to TNT sports via Sky you watch the game via the TNT channels not the Discovery + channel as you state 

If you have free Discovery+ it will show the TNT channels but unless you actually subscribe to TNT Sports it's not implying that you can watch games which are in the premium tier via the standard tier from Sky.

This message was authored by SJSmith This message was authored by: SJSmith

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

As I said, the Sky Q home page said Discovery+ is free and it showed a graphic for Arsenal v Crystal Palace. I don't see how that isn't implying football is free!

This message was authored by best+of+the+best This message was authored by: best+of+the+best

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SJSmith wrote:

As I said, the Sky Q home page said Discovery+ is free and it showed a graphic for Arsenal v Crystal Palace. I don't see how that isn't implying football is free!

Yes Discovery+ is free which is included in your Sky Package which is  the Standard subscription which includes sport shown on Eurosport 1 and Eurosport 2  only 


It's there in black and white what's covered in the Standard option you get free with Sky and Football is not included. It also states that a TNT Sports subscription is required 




I subscribe to TNT sports via BT if I want to watch it on the Sky Q box I watch it via the Discovery+ app or the FireTv Stick Discovery+ app

This message was authored by SJSmith This message was authored by: SJSmith

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Thanks for saying other words that miss my point. I've been with Sky since 2002 - I know how it works. I also know what "This channel is free and Premier League football is on it" means (not a direct quote, but as a hopeless optimist I think even you can see that's what they're saying). I have no confidence you have a desire to see that so have unfollowed the conversation.

This message was authored by oj01 This message was authored by: oj01

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Beats me why anyone, regardless of how it's worded, would think that there is a way of watching Premier League football without having to pay the full subscription to Sky Sports or TNT Sport.

If there was, everyone would do it. 

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This message was authored by Laing1 This message was authored by: Laing1

Re: Is live football free on discovery+

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@SJSmith wrote:

Thanks for saying other words that miss my point. I've been with Sky since 2002 - I know how it works. I also know what "This channel is free and Premier League football is on it" means (not a direct quote, but as a hopeless optimist I think even you can see that's what they're saying). I have no confidence you have a desire to see that so have unfollowed the conversation.

@SJSmith do you have a picture of what you saw on the home screen as that would let other see what you saw

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