Discussion topic: Hard disk reset needed

This message was authored by Jo_Thompson This message was authored by: Jo_Thompson

Hard disk reset needed

Every time I go on holiday, when I return my recordings have failed and the only way for recordings to start working again is to reset hard drive. My son stays when I'm away but rarely watches TV as he is a gamer. What could he be doing inadvertently to cause this sky q issue.

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This message was authored by Laing1 This message was authored by: Laing1 Answer

Re: Hard disk reset needed

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Jo_Thompson wrote:

No @oldfella he doesn't turn anything off. The only thing he does is bash the Internet when gaming. I wondered if that meant the Sky q box might be de-prioritised, but not sure that's even a thing!

@Jo_Thompson the internet has nothing to do with recording as they are made from the live programmes which arrive at the box by satellite

If you have to reset the hard drive it may be a hard drive problem try looking at the link below 



I may be a Sky Superuser but I am still just a Sky customer

Sky Q 2 TB (Silver)Box, 2 Mini boxes since June 2016, all connected by wifi
Sky Broadband Hub/SR203, Sky Ultrafast broadband
Ultimate on Demand, Q Experience/UHD, Sky Sports, Sky Cinema
LG 49SJ 810 V UHD TV, Google Pixel 7 Pro mobile

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