Discussion topic: External connections to Sky Q box for a HDMI ARC cable

This message was authored by FNB This message was authored by: FNB

External connections to Sky Q box for a HDMI ARC cable

I am trying to connect a Cambridge audio evo 75 to my Sky Q box for utilizing the ARC HDMI it is a pain to try to get a signal, sometimes it works and other times it will not connect, I have spent a lot of money on the evo and speakers to get the best quality sound but Mr. Q is not having it!

p.s I have already returned a set of wireless audiopro speakers that Q refused to talk to!!!!

Any ideas please?

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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99 Answer

Re: External connections to Sky Q box for a HDMI ARC cable

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

hi again @FNB


I have just looked up the manual for Evo. 


As it only has the one HDMI (for ARC) then as I indicated, you must make sure the SKY box is plugged into a non ARC HDMI on your TV and then connect the TV ARC Enabled HDMI port to the EVO


You also need to make sure the SKY box HDMI audio output  is set to Normal as the  EVO doesn't decode Dolby Digital & needs a PCM signal

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