Discussion topic: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

This message was authored by aesthetic This message was authored by: aesthetic

Discovery Plus Stopped Working



I'm having a right headache with Discovery Plus on Sky Q, wondering if anyone can help.


I signed up for the free Discover Plus thingy in January. Everything has been working perfectly fine up until today. It asked me to sign in again on the app on my Sky Q box, fine I guess so I follow the instructions on the TV. It tells me to go to a link on the Discovery Plus website and type in the number to link them. The Discovery Plus website doesn't appear to recognise my account (I only use one email address for this sort of thing, I haven't made a mistake), I try to reset my password and no email arrives to my email address. I speak to Discovery Plus and they say, nope there is no account with that address. Ok fine, I'm positive I only ever use one address to sign up for this sort of thing, but if they have no account with that email address, nothing much I can do.


So I sign up using my email address, sign up for the free account or whatever it was called, so at that point I now have a Discovery Plus account. I then manage to get this signed in on the Sky Q box, happy days, but whenever I try to watch anything it says, nope you need to upgrade your pass to watch the content, there is no active subscription on the account.


So I phone up Sky (by this point I have already spoken to Sky and Discovery Plus so things are getting a little frustrating, I've explained the same problem to about 5 different people), explain the whole problem to them. They go through the usual steps: have you gone here https://www.sky.com/help/articles/discovery-plus and folloed the steps. Yes I've done all that, it leads to here https://www.sky.com/activate-subscription/discovery at which point it says "You've already linked your Sky and Discovery+ accounts".


The person on the other ends was trying to help bless them but the call ended up with them saying, we will reset your apps, go to the 001 menu and select refresh etc. This has not solved the issue.


Essentially what I think I need to do is reset/relink my Sky account so I can sign up for the offer again, if that makes sense. Whatever has happened here, my original Discovery Plus account no longer works or exists, so I've had to create a new one, which is fine, and I've got that logged in, I just need to be able to claim the free Discovery Plus offer on my new Discovery Plus account because at the moment it doesn't have an active subscription.


It is all a bit confusing and I have tried explaining it over the phone to Sky but I end up getting bounced from here to there -- I was with cancellations, tech support, nobody really knew how to do it. Do I need to completely cancel Discovery Plus from my subscription so I can re-add it again or...?


Sorry for the essay. I wanted to give as much information as possible. Any help is much appreciated. I know that Discovery Plus is only 4 quid a month but its the principal of the matter -- its been advertised as free, and still is, I want it for free, please!




All Replies

This message was authored by Frustrated This message was authored by: Frustrated

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

  • Hi, 

I'm having the exact same issue and I've been through pretty much the same steps as you. This has been months now without access to the app I probably watch the most! Did you ever find a resolution??

This message was authored by kelly20 This message was authored by: kelly20

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

Has anyone been able to fix this as i'm having the same problem?

This message was authored by Frustrated This message was authored by: Frustrated

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

No, I don't think Sky can fix it. It's been months now and I still don't have a solution. Looking into getting out of my contract as they can't offer the full service. 

This message was authored by Laing1 This message was authored by: Laing1

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Strange just looked at my Discovery+ app and it asked me to reconnect/sign in so typed the link they gave discoveryplus.com/link on my laptop this took me to discoveryplus website it asked for my e-mail and password once entered allowed me to input the code 

so it does work 

I may be a Sky Superuser but I am still just a Sky customer

Sky Q 2 TB (Silver)Box, 2 Mini boxes since June 2016, all connected by wifi
Sky Broadband Hub/SR203, Sky Ultrafast broadband
Ultimate on Demand, Q Experience/UHD, Sky Sports, Sky Cinema
LG 49SJ 810 V UHD TV, Google Pixel 7 Pro mobile
This message was authored by Frustrated This message was authored by: Frustrated

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

It's a known issue for some customers. You must be one of the lucky ones! 

This message was authored by MarkJ22 This message was authored by: MarkJ22

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

@Laing1 wrote:

Strange just looked at my Discovery+ app and it asked me to reconnect/sign in so typed the link they gave discoveryplus.com/link on my laptop this took me to discoveryplus website it asked for my e-mail and password once entered allowed me to input the code 

so it does work 

I have the same issue


Did you use your Sky email and password to log into Discovery+?

Topic Author
This message was authored by aesthetic This message was authored by: aesthetic

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working


There is some shenanigans going on here, I suspect because Discovery+ is now owned and managed by the same network that does TNT Sports, formerly BT Sports, one of Sky's major competitors.


I pay for TNT Sports and was able to get Discovery+ that way -- if you pay for TNT Sports then Discovery+ comes as part of the package.


What I suspect has happened is when Discovery+ and TNT Sports became one, the arrangement with Sky fell apart and they were no longer able to offer it for free or something along those lines. This would explain why Sky support are unable to do anything or give any useful information. It is all shady stuff behind the scenes I think.

This message was authored by Frustrated This message was authored by: Frustrated

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

I got ao fed up with the lack of help/support and care I've cancelled my sky contract and now get TNT and Discovery separately through the app. Sky's loss!

This message was authored by Laing1 This message was authored by: Laing1

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MarkJ22 wrote:

@Laing1 wrote:

Strange just looked at my Discovery+ app and it asked me to reconnect/sign in so typed the link they gave discoveryplus.com/link on my laptop this took me to discoveryplus website it asked for my e-mail and password once entered allowed me to input the code 

so it does work 

I have the same issue


Did you use your Sky email and password to log into Discovery+?

@MarkJ22 I used the e-mail address and password that I had set up discovery+ with, which isn't necessarily your Sky e-mail address 

I may be a Sky Superuser but I am still just a Sky customer

Sky Q 2 TB (Silver)Box, 2 Mini boxes since June 2016, all connected by wifi
Sky Broadband Hub/SR203, Sky Ultrafast broadband
Ultimate on Demand, Q Experience/UHD, Sky Sports, Sky Cinema
LG 49SJ 810 V UHD TV, Google Pixel 7 Pro mobile
This message was authored by AnnieD1968 This message was authored by: AnnieD1968

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

It is to do with the Discovery+ data base not reconciling correctly with Sky's.  Completely D+'s error because this is a standard free service offered by Sky, D+ will not support and like to blame to front end...i.e Sky.

Sky is just the viewing bridge and do not control the background set up, infact your Sky accounts will be linked full stop, the rest is down to D+.

Oh and for the record,  if you subscribed to BT (TNT) Sports you will automatically have full access to TNT sports via D+.

Not a Sky super user but a Sky engineer who has had the same issues for months and has tried everything....

To the person that constantly says 'superuser', shall I say what my devices are too?? Majority of people have a SR203, it's the technology within the SR203 shell that's different...;)




This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@AnnieD1968  Any Super User that posts is flagged as such by the forum they are not constantly saying they are  a super user.



Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
Please note I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM, PM's are switched off.

This message was authored by holyoake This message was authored by: holyoake

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

I have actvated discover plus but when I try to watch it say upgrade your account go to my sky and select discovery plus but there is no discovery plus in my sky so I can't go to the account .

This message was authored by grrrrrr1 This message was authored by: grrrrrr1

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

 all apps load except discovery it says no intentet !i can log in on  ipda and watch it(same email as the tv) 2 hours  on phone to sky rebooted both tv and mini h boxes .. reconencted to internet and then refreshed apps and rebboted apps blah blah stillwont load and have error 400 message effected both my mini boxes at same time

discovery no uk number waste of time

This message was authored by Pastyw This message was authored by: Pastyw

Re: Discovery Plus Stopped Working

I have exactly the same issue do id you get it resolved as I still haven't even after resetting everything with sky and discovery. 


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