Discussion topic: Constant freezing and buffering watching Disney

This message was authored by doc-ab This message was authored by: doc-ab

Re: Constant freezing and buffering watching Disney

So even if sky q is gone in 2030 that's 5-6 years for goodness sake sky sort it out.

This message was authored by Dillon1 This message was authored by: Dillon1

Re: Constant freezing and buffering watching Disney

They won't from friends I know who work for sky the buzz word is stream that's it all focus is on skys fire stick which is a pile of steaming hot bull plop. We will never get a upgrade to sky q only software updates basically sky q on life support. 

This message was authored by Ineedhelp2 This message was authored by: Ineedhelp2

Re: Constant freezing and buffering watching Disney

I have completely give up with Disney + via sky Q. It's utterly unacceptable and unwatchable. Now viewing direct through my LG. Problem fixed. Sky need to be careful, the reasons to abandon their platform altogether are starting to add up...

This message was authored by Wilf-66 This message was authored by: Wilf-66

Re: Constant freezing and buffering watching Disney

There's a workaroud but it's clunky... for Star programmes, that freeze after the pre-show trailer, watch it on a device (e.g. iPad) for the first minute or two, then swith back to your SkyQ box and resume watching.  You can rewind to the start and play from the start, if you like.  It seems  that the switch between the trailers and the main event is causing a problem in Star programmes.

This message was authored by DaleGreen This message was authored by: DaleGreen

Re: Constant freezing and buffering watching Disney

I have also given up on it and use my Xbox. And also agree with the reasons adding up for looking elsewhere. Due a renewal this month and for first time in years I'll be looking at others as well.

This message was authored by RpC1978 This message was authored by: RpC1978

Re: Constant freezing and buffering watching Disney

This also happens to us.
We had Toob fibre broadband installed. Didn't happen when we had sky broadband, but the strength & speed of connection is now better than it was with Sky gave us so I don't understand why only Disney+ is buffering. It's so frustrating.



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