Discussion topic: Can’t sign into Netflix on 2 devices , even though I have signed up for the gf package

This message was authored by Michelle1989 This message was authored by: Michelle1989

Can’t sign into Netflix on 2 devices , even though I have signed up for the gf package

I have just upgraded to add sky hd ultra so that I can watch Netflix in 2 devices but it still won't work and only allows me to watch on 1 device , how can I watch in 2 devices 

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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99 Answer

Re: Can’t sign into Netflix on 2 devices , even though I have signed up for the gf package

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Michelle1989 wrote:

I have just upgraded to add sky hd ultra so that I can watch Netflix in 2 devices but it still won't work and only allows me to watch on 1 device , how can I watch in 2 devices 

hi @Michelle1989 


Unforunately to be more in line wit Netflix - SKY changed the way it charges & adding the Ultra HD add on does not increase the Netflis level.


From Mid December 2023 the levels are :
Netflix  (Base level) is the With Ads service  - 2 Screens in HD (list cost £4)
Boost to Netflix Standard - 2 Screens in HD Ad free  (list price an additional £6  thus £10 in total for Netflix) 
Boost to Netflix Premium - 4 Screens  up to UHD/HDR  (list price an additional £11 thus £15 in total for Netflix) 


you may need to call to arrange the switch 
P.S. When you pay via SKY, you still cannot, currently, add the 'extra member' add on for use by family members not in your physical household that is available for those paying directly to Netflix

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