Discussion topic: Bbc one closing sd

This message was authored by Chodley This message was authored by: Chodley

Re: Bbc one closing sd

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Laura4121 wrote:

I've just spoken with Sky and was told it will be £9 extra a month for HD. It's free for the first 3 months then £9. We have Sky Q already, but haven't been paying for HD, so we have now lost the BBC channels from Sky. I haven't had any messages on screen so this was a complete surprise to me today!  Think I'm going to cancel it all. 

You haven't had any messages on screen because you've been watching the HD version already.

This message was authored by ABCD12345678 This message was authored by: ABCD12345678

Re: Bbc one closing sd

Thread bump. I was about to cancel my parents payment for HD channels but just read that the SD channels are no longer on Sky. They watch a lot of BBC channels, if I cancel HD does that mean they will lose access to BBC channels on Sky Q? 

This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: Bbc one closing sd

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ABCD12345678 wrote:

Thread bump. I was about to cancel my parents payment for HD channels but just read that the SD channels are no longer on Sky. They watch a lot of BBC channels, if I cancel HD does that mean they will lose access to BBC channels on Sky Q? 

@ABCD12345678  the bbc channels will not be affected if you were to choose to cancel the entertainment hd add on 

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This message was authored by ABCD12345678 This message was authored by: ABCD12345678

Re: Bbc one closing sd

@SKY1992bf  ok thank you, do the channel numbers stay the same once HD is switched off? 

This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: Bbc one closing sd

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ABCD12345678 wrote:

@SKY1992bf  ok thank you, do the channel numbers stay the same once HD is switched off? 

@ABCD12345678  The channel numbers stay the same they just switch to the sd version where the channel is part of the sky base package 

Please note: I am just a sky customer not a employee - posts from sky employees are clearly marked as such
my setup: Samsung 5 series 32inc tv | sky +hd box | variety, SKY & TNT sports,sky cinema | Netflix and prime video
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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Bbc one closing sd

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ABCD12345678 wrote:

Thread bump. I was about to cancel my parents payment for HD channels but just read that the SD channels are no longer on Sky. They watch a lot of BBC channels, if I cancel HD does that mean they will lose access to BBC channels on Sky Q? 

Just to be clear SKY are not closing their SD channels that form part of SKY Signature (unlike the BBC did).  - they are just changing tre transmission format the old SD boxes can't decode


The BBC channels & other Freesat channels do not require the HD add on to view in HD  (although strangely Channel 5 needs the HD add on to download HD content)


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