Discussion topic: Sky Protect Indoor Cam Reset

This message was authored by seoirsetwonine This message was authored by: seoirsetwonine

Re: Sky protect indoor camera wont reset

Of course.

Nothing worked

The camera was replaced (thanks Sky)

and everything worked first time.



Sometimes it IS the hardware.

This message was authored by atop This message was authored by: atop

Indoor camera not working and won’t reset

Indoor camera has suddenly stopped working. This seems to be affecting the door sensors too as they no longer detect anything. 
I have tried reset via app and hard reset. Nothing is working. App won't let me remove camera as it says error connecting. 
Please help. 

This message was authored by atop This message was authored by: atop

Re: Indoor camera not working and won’t reset

Also the device updates section in camera setting has a spining icon. Looks like it could be stuck in firmware update??

This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Indoor camera not working and won’t reset

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

See you have tried a reboot of the indoor camera from within the app.

Remove the sensor from the indoor camera, then remove the power of the indoor camera and leave off power for ten minutes or more.
Power back the indoor camera and once its powered up, add the sensor back and wait till the sesnor shows a blue light before checking all is ok on the app.

You may want to wake up your sensors again, by picking up the leak sensors and touching on the magnets until they beep and glow red, opening and closing the door sensors.. The hallway sensor should reactivate once you walk by it.

Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read
This message was authored by Customer711 This message was authored by: Customer711

Indoor Camera

Had SP about a week and had little problems. However today my indoor (living room) camera isn't online, it's showing on a pic from 2 days ago.  Also it keeps flashing blue and making a sort of clicking sound.. 


Any ideas or help please

This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Indoor Camera

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Customer711 wrote:

Had SP about a week and had little problems. However today my indoor (living room) camera isn't online, it's showing on a pic from 2 days ago.  Also it keeps flashing blue and making a sort of clicking sound.. 


Any ideas or help please

Try doing a restart of the camera from within the app.

Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read
This message was authored by Customer711 This message was authored by: Customer711

Not working

Sky protect not been working since the clocks went back in UK on Saturday 28th 


This message was authored by Customer711 This message was authored by: Customer711

Re: Indoor Camera

We have done all that. QR code isn't scanning. All seems since clocks went back 

This message was authored by amfony1977 This message was authored by: amfony1977

Re: Sky protect indoor camera won’t connect to WiFi

Did anyone get this sorted? As alas mine now has the same issue. I'm seriously regretting getting this system.

Topic Author
This message was authored by K19rks This message was authored by: K19rks

Re: Indoor camera not working and won’t reset

I have the same issue, was working fine a few days ago, now the red lights aren't showing and it won't connect on the app, it won't reboot/restart, I've removed the camera from the app and tried to add it back again and it won't do anything, it's like it's just had enough and packed up, the quality of all of these devices is frankly utterly shocking, 

This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Sky Protect Indoor Cam Reset

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Mine has developed the exact same problem and I can't get it to glass yellow no matter how much I try ..... I'll escalate your post and if you get the answer please post back her for me 

43inch Gen 1 and 55 inch Gen 2 Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks. Virgin media M350 hub 5x. Four sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Indoor camera not working and won’t reset

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@K19rks wrote:

I have the same issue, was working fine a few days ago, now the red lights aren't showing and it won't connect on the app, it won't reboot/restart, I've removed the camera from the app and tried to add it back again and it won't do anything, it's like it's just had enough and packed up, the quality of all of these devices is frankly utterly shocking, 

Can you try as. I have described above, leaving off power for ten minutes etc.

That will reset it, to allow you to reconnect again the indoor camera again without the sensor, then add the sensor once the indoor camera setup has reconnected the camera.

Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read
Topic Author
This message was authored by K19rks This message was authored by: K19rks

Re: Indoor camera not working and won’t reset

Thanks for the reply, the camera has been turned off for 24 hours (plug physically disconnected from the back of it) I have connected it and the light just goes yellow (solid) it will not flash no matter what I do and consequently I cannot add it back to my app

This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Indoor camera not working and won’t reset

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Mad one of my colleagues in the closed forum has advised you will need to contact sky protect technical as this fault has affected many users (me included ) and seems to have happened this last week 

43inch Gen 1 and 55 inch Gen 2 Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks. Virgin media M350 hub 5x. Four sky mobile sims.
Topic Author
This message was authored by K19rks This message was authored by: K19rks

Re: Indoor camera not working and won’t reset

Appreciated thanks 


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