Discussion topic: OTP not being sent

This message was authored by Sarahted This message was authored by: Sarahted

Re: OTP not being sent

@Madingley  Thanks for this I did the same with Santander today was on the phone for an hour getting the email verification set up .  They said this will take 24 hrs to work , So still can't pay bills online or move money and an hour lost  from work , not really good enough Sky 

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: OTP not being sent

Move Sky to that method and tell them you cant pay til you receive an OTP, they might speed it up then.


Chatted with an agent and basically he filled out a form very slowly

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: OTP not being sent

At least Im earning Badges on here.... like Im 10 and in the scouts

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: OTP not being sent

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


You could have filled in the form online here yourself:



If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
If you need help please provide as much information as you can
This message was authored by KJ74 This message was authored by: KJ74

Re: OTP not being sent

After unsuccessfully trying to get a resolution or even an apology from Sky, I have cancelled my mobile contract and gone with another provider - not Sky or O2 who I believe have the issue. Luckily I was on a 30 day contract so easy to move. 

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: OTP not being sent

I did... but rather stupidly I accept, I thought talking to someone might get some action... hahahaha

This message was authored by Daz2801 This message was authored by: Daz2801

Re: OTP not being sent

I can't get OTP verications from Zilch everything else i can receive them 

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: OTP not being sent

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


See the post currently marked as the answer and you can fill in the form mentioned 


Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
NOTE: I only provide help on the forums and NOT via PM
This message was authored by Nadimalikhan This message was authored by: Nadimalikhan

Re: OTP not being sent

This is still an issue. I tried to remit funds and OTP did not come through being a SKY mobile customer. I called up Santander helpline and they said they are trying to fix the issue. Seems like a big issue if still not resolved since 11th March!

This message was authored by smokey-paul This message was authored by: smokey-paul

Re: OTP not being sent

If it were just one OTP supplying organisation, one might point the finger at them.  But it is not.


This issue is affecting several august bodies, including UK government.


Now it might be that they all use the same third party to supply the OTP, but if that is the case, Sky Mobile should be able to identify that party, either electronically or by speaking to the organisations using the failing OTP authentication.


There is surely a factor common to all these failing OTPs and it shouldn't take a competent person/team the length of time it apparently has, and that is continuing, to sort it out.  The issue started recently, so most likely caused by a change, either by Sky or a third-party.  It should be fairly trivial to backtrack the Change Log to determine whether a change by Sky affected this aspect of the service, based on the timing of the first received complaint, and work from there.


The form created to gather information lacks a complete list of the organisations whose OTPs are not being received, despite many being mentioned in this thread.


If an issue of this seriousness - that is having greatly adverse impacts on customers' normal lives - had occurred in any of the organisations I was a director/senior manager at, or consulted for, it would have been escalated to the CEO who would have demanded immediate action and regular progress reporting.


All of which brings into question: (a) the competence of the designated person/team; (b) Sky's understanding that this is a very serious problem affecting their customers; and (c) management's willingness to address the issue PDQ!

This message was authored by DH29 This message was authored by: DH29

Re: OTP not being sent

Well said smokey-paul.  I have made comment on pages 19 & 20 of similar.


Total disgrace.  Any organisation would have failure of OTP supplier whether SKY or Santander in the top 10 of their risk registers.  The silence is deafening !


I have also sent a message to the BBC but not heard.  Surprised the media has not got on this ! I think the problem is more sinister ie. hacking, hence the silence treatment.  If it was an IT glitch it would be sorted.

I am locked out of my account so pretty stuffed.  Payed bills by walking to the nearest Santander and lining up, not great.    Going to get a sim only (not related to Sky) when my account is accessible and change my OTP number for Santander and others should the situation happen again


Totally disgusted by it all and completely agree with the voices of this forum.




This message was authored by Madingley This message was authored by: Madingley

Re: OTP not being sent

At last!!! This morning I had the privilege to be able to log on. OTP promptly received. I just hope it's not a 1-off.

Good luck to all those of you who are still struggling.

This forum was helpful to me, even if just to remind me, I wasn't alone, so thanks and good luck to you all.


This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: OTP not being sent

I've reported it to Ofcom. You can't make an individual complaint (removed). But hopefully it's fixed? I have a "ticket" in so should hear back, that's what I was told



Moderator note: Removed campaigning.

This message was authored by Michellep82 This message was authored by: Michellep82

Re: OTP not being sent

Mine is still not working. This has been happening since Friday (29th April) can pay bills, Santander can't help as they are sending the otp. Sky seems to think it's my

sim card as my iMessages and FaceTime also not working. This is ridiculous sky 

This message was authored by Madingley This message was authored by: Madingley

Re: OTP not being sent


What amazes me throughout this whole fiasco, is the number of different instructions/explanations we have been given by the parties involved.




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