Discussion topic: Esim verification code not sending

This message was authored by eggi This message was authored by: eggi

Re: Esim verification code not sending

I have the same problem, my esim email does not arrive. Have been trying since Boxing day to no avail. Have made a complaint, negative feedback, posts on the forum. Nothing. Iphone 16 that i cannot use. No response from Sky. 

This message was authored by maneryatt This message was authored by: maneryatt

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Same issue - have you had any luck?  I have been trying for a week now and one minute I get told it is a known issue that is still not resolved and then I get told it has been resolved but still not working.  25 years with SKY and have wasted about 8 hours on the phone (2 hours today with 7 different people) and still no closer to getting it resolved.

This message was authored by IggyCl This message was authored by: IggyCl

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Sky has tried to manually put through my eSIM, it has not worked. Sky asked me to wait until Thursday, if it does not come through, I can get out of my contract.  I find it wrong that Sky offers eSIMs knowing that they cannot provide this service. It is nonperformance and we can should be able to leave Sky without penalty.


If they give you a problem, issue a DSAR on them, this enables you full access to the transcript of calls  made to them, if you are not released from the contract, this info will

give you proof that you're reached out to Sky, without resolution of your issue. They are statutorily mandated to provide all call

trabsvrupts within in 30 days to this request.


I've been with Sky for over 20 years, modtly happy with their service and prices. but now I am shocked by their lack of communication, transparency, and misinformation when dealing with this issue. Sky- stop messing your customers around. You can't give eSIMs out, just say it. 

This message was authored by maneryatt This message was authored by: maneryatt

Re: Esim verification code not sending

I have one number that comverted no problem and one which refuses to. I am not in contract  with SKY but I have 150gb of data in my piggy bank and dont want to leave.


how long have you been having this issue?

This message was authored by IggyCl This message was authored by: IggyCl

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Hi. Since mid December. I had planned to give my iPhone 12 Pro to my daughter for Christmas, and use my new iPhone 14 pro eSIM only phone, that I purchased from the states. 

So, none of the above has happened.


But I've spent about 10 frustrating hours total since then calling Sky to resolve this....

This message was authored by maneryatt This message was authored by: maneryatt

Re: Esim verification code not sending

So weird that it works for some numbers and not for others.  How can I have 2 numbers and it works for one but not the other?!

This message was authored by IggyCl This message was authored by: IggyCl

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Perhaps one is a newer number and it's set up in a format that eSIM accessible? 

I have heard of a hack whereby Sky issues a new physical sim, then converts it to an eSIM. One of the other customers on the thread ordered a replacement physical  sim for this purpose, but upon checking back, that user hadn't even gotten the physical sim to test out this theory.

SKY- are you listening to your customers??? This is a growing concern, we are paying for a service we are not getting.  Can you address our concerns in a transparent and honest manner? 

This message was authored by maneryatt This message was authored by: maneryatt

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Yup. SKY suggested this to me.  I got a new physical SIM and put it in and still wont convert.......so dont hold your breath!

This message was authored by IggyCl This message was authored by: IggyCl

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Oh wow!!! That hack isn't working then... thanks for sharing your experience.


 I've been looking at other mobile companies, the January sales are on, I'd like to switch asap if Sky cannot fix this issue by Thursday. 

It is a shame, bc Sky prices are good. But they need to stay up with technology. And being a Londoner, it is annoying not to have WiFi in the tube. Other companies offer this, including another low cost carrier, Giffgaff. 
Sky doesn't offer WiFi on the tube, since the last time I asked tech suppprt. 

@posledni_m wrote:

Trying to set up my esim through the app or online but the verification code wouldn't arrive to my new number and now it says sending failed when trying to get a new one. Have been trying for two days now. When trying to set it up through phone settings the new phone also says the sim isn't compatible with e sim and that I should contact sky but when calling them noone understands my problem. Can someone help? 


This message was authored by maneryatt This message was authored by: maneryatt

Re: Esim verification code not sending

I am going to give them till the end of this week too.  Also a Londoner and running a business (hence the two numbers) and this is all just hassle and timewasting that I could do without.  Keep me posted if you hear anything and I will do the same vice versa.  Dont know how I will use my 150GB of data if I leave SKY which is my biggest reason not to........assume they will sort it at some point but cant wait forever!

This message was authored by maneryatt This message was authored by: maneryatt

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Unforuntately my new phone is esim only so I might not have a choice but to leave SKY.  Although to be honest after the 2 hours on the phone today and being passed to the wrong dept 3 times maybe that is not a bad thing!  Although I have always found them super helpful in the past and also I have Sky broadband and TV so like to keep things simple.....for gods sake Sky sort it out, I want to stay!

This message was authored by JDeeIE This message was authored by: JDeeIE

Re: Esim verification code not sending



Was setting up a esim for a family member (Sky Ireland esim) and had issues. 

Logged in and there is a cancel/reissue esim tab that worked, sillyvthingbisnig issues a scan code you can't use if you at viewing on the device you want to install. 

Had to get my phone to take a pic so I could then use their phone camera to install. 


I did notice it installs as Tele2 for Sky Ireland and the Tele 2 APN worked (changed the APN to sky.mobile). 

What do Sky UK esims install ? Is it also Tele 2 ?

This message was authored by IggyCl This message was authored by: IggyCl

Re: Esim verification code not sending

I totally understand. We have one account with Sky for business, and another for three additional mobiles. We also have sizeable credit built up, but given the hassle I've had since mid December, they can  cash my credit out, or keep it, just let me go. I'm fed up being passed around from one department to the next, giving out my address, my password, confirming it's my account over and over ( I couldn't pay anyone to call for me, Sky gives PTSD at this point) and the disconnections! They are a mobile company, why are we getting cut off?
I'll definitely stay in touch with you about any updates. Thanks for sharing your experience. 

This message was authored by maneryatt This message was authored by: maneryatt

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Yes am feeling exactly the same way right now. Just trying to refrain from cutting my nose off to spite my face....tempting as that is. Keep in touch - will let you know if any updates my end. Good luck!!

This message was authored by maneryatt This message was authored by: maneryatt

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Hiya - where is the cancel/reissue esim tab please?  I cant find it....




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