Discussion topic: Esim verification code not sending

This message was authored by IggyCl This message was authored by: IggyCl

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Sorry, I don't know. 

This message was authored by eggi This message was authored by: eggi

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Hi. So pleased we are not alone in this. Our life is with Sky and carries a large chunk of VIP credit and mobile data which we use for holidays. Hate to leave but ...... Come on Sky, we can land men on the moon. Chuck some money at the problem. 

This message was authored by IggyCl This message was authored by: IggyCl

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Exactly! It's not rocket science. Sky- are you monitoring this chat? Can you understand loyal customers  are going to leave Sky? Marketing gimmicks like VIP status means little without quality service and normal industry products to offer. Other companies offer similar bonuses for loyalty. 

- eSIMs do not work 

- no WiFi on tube 

Once we costumers leave Sky, we rarely come back. 
fix these issues!!!

This message was authored by maneryatt This message was authored by: maneryatt

Re: Esim verification code not sending

We probably need to put this on a public


lile a SKY twitter or Facebook page....this is the only way I have had companies sort things out in the past! Public shaming!!

This message was authored by eggi This message was authored by: eggi

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Hi. Totally agree. Henry V111 had the right idea. Anne Boleyn, Thomas Cromwell job. Draws attention. 

This message was authored by maneryatt This message was authored by: maneryatt

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Am on a building site all day today so cant do it but if someone else can we can all pile in on the thread later!

This message was authored by JDeeIE This message was authored by: JDeeIE

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Sure this is the reissue 




I can't be 100% that's the right link as Sky have now removed my screenshot pic of Tele2 from earlier post and have now barred my Sky Mobile service, - FUMING. 


So to answer your question yes Sky are reading this thread. 


This message was authored by IggyCl This message was authored by: IggyCl

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Barred? You have a contract with Sky. Don't think that's legal?

This message was authored by JDeeIE This message was authored by: JDeeIE

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Well they've barred my service and deleted the pic ? Go figure. 

Locked out all my 2 way authentications now, that I just changed over to my new Sky number including one of my email accounts. 


This message was authored by IggyCl This message was authored by: IggyCl

Re: Esim verification code not sending

I don't know how to move this chat  to a public forum.

Can anyone assist? Thank you all. 

This message was authored by JDeeIE This message was authored by: JDeeIE

Re: Esim verification code not sending

ISP Review forums is probably a good place for advice for U.K. 


boards.ie of it's a Irish Sky Mobile issue 

This message was authored by maneryatt This message was authored by: maneryatt

Re: Esim verification code not sending

We cant move it.  Would have to find Sky's public handle on Twitter and then make a new post about the problem....and then share that post here so the rest of us can add to it.  Sorry I cant do it today!

This message was authored by IggyCl This message was authored by: IggyCl

Re: Esim verification code not sending



Thanks for the info. I found them on X

Sky Help Team


 I'll find time tomorrow  to write to them on X and send a link to this chat. If anyone can start the ball rolling and post  a concern re eSIM today on X , please do and share a link 

This message was authored by Kelsingra This message was authored by: Kelsingra

Re: Esim verification code not sending

Posted by a Sky employee

Hey all,

Welcome to the Sky Community Forum! 🙂


I've escalated your post to our Community Messaging team, and they will reach out to you within the next 48 hours. Please check back here occasionally. Look for the chat bubble in the bottom corner of the thread.
For more information on how the service works: https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Did-you-know/Escalating-a-post-to-a-Sky-expert/ba-p/3711147


Your picture was rejected because it contained some personal information that should not be shared on a public forum. 



I would like to kindly remind everyone to review the Community Rules before posting and ensure they are followed, particularly:

  • Be nice to each other.
  • Keep your chat on topic. Post to help, not to argue with, disrespect or harass.
  • Don't incite complaints, campaign or lobby.


Thank you for your understanding! 



Community Moderator

This message was authored by JDeeIE This message was authored by: JDeeIE

Re: Esim verification code not sending

  • IMG_6632.jpeg

Look for the this^, that's what I done after my esim wouldn't install from the on screen code they displayed. 

My Sky 
product settings 

mobile (manage)

Your Sim plan(s) (manage)

Manage  your sim (sim options) 

eSIM Options screen (on a iPhone Safari) I scrolled down to "install & reinstall" (pictured above).. 


I took a picture of the new esim code and took the iPhone camera  I was installing it on to that picture to open the link, all worked perfectly. 

Hope that helps anyone. 



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