Discussion topic: Sky go desktop app not working on windows

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: sky go

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

If you are running Windows 10 then it is compatible so what happens when you try to install it from here:



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This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: sky go

no its made no diference,i uninstalled the other sky go,and reinstalled it from the link u put on here,when i went into sky go,a message came up saying it may not work now on windows 7 or windows 8,but my system is windows ten and its not even working on that.

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: sky go

Thats 2 things im not happy about now,first of all because i was recording alot of of standard sky channels before they closed down i was getting more room on my box that way,now ive got to record off of hd channels and i dont get so much storage space now,i cant get sky go no more on my windows ten computer,sky must be laughing at us paying all that money for there services,there a joke,no wonder alot of people now are pulling away from sky,

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: sky go

whats happening now is,has soon has i start signing in to sky go,with my r-mail address and password,it says sky go has stopped working ,microsoft will get back to you if possible,so theres dethantly something wrong with sky go,

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: sky go

i think whats happened is,is that its stopped working on windows ten now,because of skys changes lately,

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: sky go

its now coming up saing that link u gave me is not compatible to windows ten

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: sky go

Can anyone help me out please with the direct phone number to the sky go department please,im going to phone them im sick of things going wrong

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: sky go

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

There is no direct number.


150 is the free number to use from a Sky Mobile or Sky Talk phone otherwise under "Need more help ?" link at the bottom of the page on this link is the number to call Sky on:


If someone has helped you then please click on the LIKES button in their post.
If you need help please provide as much information as you can
This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: sky go

I can understand why some people get these firesticks and dont pay for services like sky,because the services you pay for you get more problems.

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: sky go

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



I'd note that Windows 10 is still listed here as being compatible with Go.


Given Win10 doesn't reach Microsoft end-of-life until October 14th 2025 and there are many millions of installations in use in the UK, it's incredibly unlikely that Sky would choose to make Go not work with it now.



* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: sky go

ive just uninstalled it again,and then installed sky go,and when i had to sign in,it wouldnt let me,it says problem with sky go,microsofoft will get in touch if they can

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321


absolutely useless sky,for the past 4 weeks ive not been able to watch sky on my windows ten computer,only way i can watch it,i just phoned sky spoke to someone,this person said hang on il try and help u sort this out,then he transferred me to a woman who said we only deal with sky mobiles ,i turned the phone off on her 

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: useless

thats sky go

This message was authored by sweetheart4321 This message was authored by: sweetheart4321

Re: sky go

After today once this new contract runs out in about 6 months,because i had to rake a new 18 months cotract out to get it a bit cheaper,once it runs out il tell them to stick there service,today i phoned sky up told them i was having trouble with sky go ,it kept on crashing on windows ten,the person said hang on il help u fix it,he transferred me over to someone else who said ,we only deal with sky mobiles,i turned the phone off on the person,now i know none of you people actually work for sky,but what i do know some of you defend sky and sometimes you are on there side.

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: sky go

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Windows 10 has just over a year before it goes EOL (end of life) I would guess that Sky will drop all support from it at that time too, have you thought of upgrading to Windows 11?

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