Discussion topic: Sky Go still not working on Macbook Pro with Sequoia

This message was authored by R.W+Laidlaw This message was authored by: R.W+Laidlaw

Re: Sky Go still not working on Macbook Pro with Sequoia

Now finally working on about the 10th attempt. Did the same round of deletions as previously but this time it worked,, so assume that Sky have finally updated the Go software to work on Sequoia. Did not need to mess around with 32 bit emulation etc, which in any case does not work in Sequoia, so guessing that Sky have properly updated Go to a fully functional 64 bit app. 

This message was authored by Jon129 This message was authored by: Jon129

Re: Sky Go still not working on Macbook Pro with Sequoia

I'm thinking it is a sequoia compatibility issue too. Exactly the same issue on my new MacBook Air M3 which is running Sequoia. 

I wonder whether one of the Sky technicians can check this? 


This message was authored by terencelang This message was authored by: terencelang

Re: Sky Go still not working on Macbook Pro with Sequoia

Worked a treat ! Thanks very much.😀


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