Discussion topic: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.


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This message was authored by Ceranne This message was authored by: Ceranne

Re: sky go app won't launch

I have the latest Mac update and now sky go won't load or install despite trying all suggested fixes ...help please

This message was authored by Spindragon This message was authored by: Spindragon

Re: sky go app won't launch

Mac running 14.5 senoma, Sky go was working beginning of the month and now its stopped. 

i have uninstalled the app from the mac and reinstalled using the sky web download it will just not open, app pops up on taskbar/dock but then disappears. it will not open any windows so i cant use it at all.

is there a reason or fix?

This message was authored by Johnny1234567 This message was authored by: Johnny1234567

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

Same problem.  2020 MB air M1.  Sky go stopped working after Sanoma update (14.5).  uninstalled. Cleaned files, reinstalled and no joy.

This message was authored by BriggsBridget This message was authored by: BriggsBridget

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

18th June now, has anyone found the solution for this?

Sky Go app updated automatically and restarted.

As soon as it opened the first time it installed the new update and the same issue persists.

Now the app just bounces once in the dock and doesn't open. 


I deleted every single file related to skyGo even the hidden files and cleanly reinstalled it.

Same, the app just bounces once in the dock and doesn't open. 


I'm on Sonoma 14.4.1 - 27 iMac 2013.

This message was authored by marcoplus81 This message was authored by: marcoplus81

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

Try to  cleae every things and reset nvram at the start.  
reinstal the skygo. For someone maca worked for me. Try and let we know.


This message was authored by BriggsBridget This message was authored by: BriggsBridget

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

Hi marcoplus81,

Thanks for your reply and suggestion. It seemed good at the time, however, I tried once again clear absolutely everything related to SkyGo, restart the Mac, and reset NVRAM and PRAM.

ReInstall SkyGo. NO LUCK.

This message was authored by marcoplus81 This message was authored by: marcoplus81

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

I'm really sorry. I have a iMac late 12 with OPENCORE installed. I tried to do every things but after update it doesn't work too.

Sky the have to fix....


This message was authored by Pastisa This message was authored by: Pastisa

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

It seems to me that many members posting comments have mac mini or notebooks connected to external monitors or tv. This could be the trick. I know that sky doesn't like the use of sky go through external monitors but only with mobile devices. 

This message was authored by BriggsBridget This message was authored by: BriggsBridget

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

Hi Pastisa,

Thanks for your reply.

It's an iMac, not connected to any other devices, any other monitor or TV and not screen sharing either.

This message was authored by digglerthelegend This message was authored by: digglerthelegend

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

@Pastisa wrote:

It seems to me that many members posting comments have mac mini or notebooks connected to external monitors or tv. This could be the trick. I know that sky doesn't like the use of sky go through external monitors but only with mobile devices. 

Doesn't work on either my M3 iMac or M3 Macbook Pro and neither connected to external monitors.

Sky Q 2TB (V3). 2 x Mini. LG G3 65inch. LG S95 QR 9.1.5 Soundbar. Virgin Media Gig1 Broadband.
This message was authored by Johnny1234567 This message was authored by: Johnny1234567

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

Good suggestion, but no, not connected to anything.  MacBook Air and no joy, no matter how many times I've cleaned/reinstalled.  Just assuminmg it's an app problem.  Seem to remember it happening before and was then suddenly OK after update.

This message was authored by Senior98 This message was authored by: Senior98

Sky Go won't Install

I've got a new laptop (MacOS Sonoma version 14.5) and I'm trying to download the Sky Go app, I get the Sky Go Installer but when it runs, the app itself isn't installed. I've followed the steps for deleting the installer & restarting but I'm still not getting any joy. Any Ideas? 

This message was authored by Empty186 This message was authored by: Empty186

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

I haven't been able to get into the Sky Go app on my MacBook all day, so deleted the app etc, only to find, when I try to reinstall, my device is not compatible - only iPhones & iPads are listed, not macOS

This message was authored by cescalby This message was authored by: cescalby

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

ciao a tutti ,

volevo comunicarvi che io sono riuscito a far funzionare sky go con un paliativo che però

funziona portare il mac con time machine antecedente il 20 maggio data dell'agg sky go ,

poi spegnere collegamento internet far partire sky go , lui dirà che manca il collegamento internet (dopo aver cercato aggiornamento) e attenderà che voi riconnettetiate  ad internet a quel punto se siete a casa vedrà sky-q oppure aggiornerà i contenuti ed elenco canali , ricordatevi quando accendete o avviate il mac sky-go sempre spento come internet , mai accendere sky go con internet aperto farebbe agg alla nuova versione e si bloccherebbe come sempre provato sui miei 2 portatili con catalina e monterey , prossimi giorni proverò anche con i fissi imac e macpro,

This message was authored by Empty186 This message was authored by: Empty186

Re: Sky Go macOS app does not open after latest update.

Feel free to ignore my above post, which I can't delete or edit...had a calming ciggie & remembered to go via the Sky website, rather than the App Store - now reinstalled & working properly, sorry


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