Discussion topic: how do i apply for credit to get sky glass

This message was authored by Isabo This message was authored by: Isabo

how do i apply for credit to get sky glass

Hi all Im a sky subscriber 4 3 yrs how do I get sky tv glass on credity as a customer comes up but wont re-direct to allow me apply whats the point of keeping it there ro click ifg always broken. 



Thank you have a good day Isabo De Mendoza



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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith Answer

Re: how do i apply for credit to get sky glass

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Isabo wrote:

Hi all Im a sky subscriber 4 3 yrs how do I get sky tv glass on credity as a customer comes up but wont re-direct to allow me apply whats the point of keeping it there ro click ifg always broken. 



Thank you have a good day Isabo De Mendoza



You will need to phone Sky to order. If you already have Sky Q thats the only way or successfully ordering as they will need to cancel your Sky Q subscription at the same time.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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