Discussion topic: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

This message was authored by AndyCairns This message was authored by: AndyCairns

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

If you think the only people experiencing this issue are the people posting on here you are truly deluded.  

the amount of people on here are a tiny proportion of sky customers and the vast majority don't even know this forum exists.  

By the law of averages it's likely thousands will be affected (but put up with it) rather than a hundred or two.  

This message was authored by Zoltron This message was authored by: Zoltron

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

@Mark39 wrote:

@Zoltron wrote:

@Mark39 wrote:

I suspect the majority aren't seeing this issue.

Typical deluded response from someone within the Sky fold.

Well, I'm a customer, and Sky Glass owner same as you, presumably? 😁

But you are taking exactly the same stance as Sky, just because you are not experiencing the issue..... yet..... 


It doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist, it's a real problem, I've had Glass since launch and put up with a lot of issues such as the local dimming issue at launch, the the failed firmware update in the summer when everybody who got the failed update woke up to a bricked Sky Glass, Sky did nothing for a whole 3 days telling folk to use Sky Go, in the end the only way to fix it was a forced firmware update and a factory reset Glass. And now this is by far my worst experience with Sky Glass.


I'm fed up, like many others, with Sky telling us it's a broadband issue, no it isn't a broadband issue, because 2 months ago this problem didn't exist, many others on the forum say the same.


Sky won't even acknowledge the problem, but they still want to take our money for an unwatchable service. Watchingbthe darts final a few evenings ago made me realise how bad this problem is. So bad that I'm not tolerating this from Sky any longer email sent this morning to Dana Strong.


This message was authored by amagluglug This message was authored by: amagluglug

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Well said!!! Absolutely disgusting service from a supplier who "believe in better" you gotta be kidding sky!!

This message was authored by Zoltron This message was authored by: Zoltron

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

My complaint is now with the customer priority team following my to the point email to the CEO.


we shouldn't have to be making complaints to the CEO, but unfortunately we have to when our voice isn't being heard.


Lets see what comes of this


Im certainly going to suggest thr priority team reads this forum, And asks others for their feedback on the lip sync issue, because only then will Sky understand the problem and be able to deal with it within a wider audience 

This message was authored by STUART753 This message was authored by: STUART753

Re: Sky glass tv sound out of sync

Does SKY have any forecast when they intend to fix this fault. It is making the system unusable.

This message was authored by GEORDIEBLUE This message was authored by: GEORDIEBLUE

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

I have noticed this issue since moving house at start of December and despite staying with same Broadband provider, I'd naively thought it must be a gliche somewhere because of the move.


I often have TV on in background whilst working on PC and only notice picture and sound sync is lost when I glance at the screen.  It was especially noticeable and bloody annoying during the darts over Christmas and New year and a couple of footy matches recently.


My experience suggests it is during live events such as the darts and football and not channels like Sky Sports News, or Soccer Saturday, despite them being 'live'.  Can't swear to it though.

This message was authored by GEORDIEBLUE This message was authored by: GEORDIEBLUE

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Can you please post the email address.  Maybe if they start getting multiple messages, it might bump their priority a bit. 


I will be claiming a refund, because as people say, it's a bloody expensive subscription and we're not getting what we pay for.


Thanks in advance

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Sky glass tv sound out of sync

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@STUART753 There was a post from a community manager on 30th December basically saying they were still working on the issue and in order to give them more input on the problem they were asking for more specific customer experiences of the issue to help them identify a solution.  The gave a link to the relevant form at THIS link


The link was part of post 779 at this comprehensive thread.

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This message was authored by Mrsjulie This message was authored by: Mrsjulie

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

I think the majority of people using this forum have completed the form but have still not heard a single thing from Sky - I think we should all start emailing the higher ups in the company - maybe that will get us all noticed? So if anyone has any relevant email addresses, please would you be kind enough to publish on this forum to enable us to get yet another ball rolling

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mrsjulie the form enables Sky's techies to gather more information about the fault. Historically they haven't provided updates on progress, so there may not be a response from them other than perhaps to say it's still being worked on.



This message was authored by Jase99 This message was authored by: Jase99

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Happening more and more often on my sky glass that I've had for nearly 2 years.


Last sotfware update has probably broken it .


Switched from the itv footie to bbc blind witness and sync out.


This message was authored by Jase99 This message was authored by: Jase99

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

This forum doesn't let us post the ceo email.


Google it.

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Jase99 wrote:

This forum doesn't let us post the ceo email.


Google it.

Hi @Jase99 It is highly unlikely to make any difference anyway.  There is very little chance that the CEO of a company the size of Sky would not have their emails filtered by a PA or someone similar (maybe even a team of people).  Once read by whoever was filtering the inbox it would be noted as a complaint and forwarded to the appropriate team which would most likely be the Customer Priority team for their action.


An official complaint made on the following complaint form will have exactly the same result and you would be allocated to the Customer Prority Team.


The following link might also be of interest to those thinking of making a complaint


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This message was authored by ABS123 This message was authored by: ABS123

Re: Sky glass lipsync issues

Don't ask me why, or how, this works but it does. I have found the sync issue can be resolved by selecting BBC 1, viewing the current programme for a couple of seconds,, going back to the channel with sync issue, and the sync issue is


This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Sky glass lipsync issues

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @ABS123 Yes like you I have always found that a quick flip to another channel and back again works for me and takes about 2 seconds and you are back in sync.  Another way is to rewind for a couple of seconds and then press the back button to return to live TV.


I suspect many customers posting on the forum have a more serious lip sync problem but the above is certainly worth trying.

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