Discussion topic: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Zoltron the issue with lip sync does seem to have come back. Sky do monitor the forum so are aware of the issue but while it seems a simple problem it is actually quite complex tomsort as streaams come from many different sources often with several audio tracks.


Given the number of recent IPTV busts (e.g. https://www.cordbusters.co.uk/firestick-iptv-sellers-busted-30-homes/) your neigbour may want to be careful.

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

It's about time they get this sorted now

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

It's about time there technical team get this sorted it has gone on too long, you think you've sorted the issue do everything the team tell you come off the phone then 5-10 minutes later the speech is gone back to the problem 

This message was authored by Zoltron This message was authored by: Zoltron

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

I appreciate the technical challenge as I come from a software background. 

However this lip-sync problem only came about as the result of a previous update, which Sky could save face and roll back firmware, that's going to be a lot easier than tracking down a very tricky bug that is going to take time. A fair few amount of subscribers are paying a lot of good money for this product, myself included, many others like myself pay over £100 for a product which needs constant and frustrating user intervention. Which as I said, I stay on the right side of the law and put up with problems, which a neighbour over the road pays peanuts and has no problems. 

All I'm concerned about is that Sky fix the service they seem to hold in such high regard and earns them their bread and butter from honest subscribers like many others and myself. A have absolute zero concerns for what plans Sky have for my neighbour across the street as long as I stay on the right side of the law, but it does make it a bitter pill to swallow when they have less problems than me who must have mug written on the front of my head for paying full whack for this rubbish.


I really do hope Sky are following this thread so they understand the anger and annoyance that genuine folk have.



Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Well said and I hope sky get their finger out and sort this out thank you for that info👍

This message was authored by amagluglug This message was authored by: amagluglug

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Perfectly put like yourself I'm over the £100 a month payment for this service and again a current solution is reboot the TV serious!!!Believe in better eh sky??

This message was authored by TamBren This message was authored by: TamBren

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Please can someone from Sky read this thread and respond with at least a reply to say you will look into it. We are very unhappy customers with a faulty service we are paying a lot for. If it was a faulty object we'd return it but we are tied in to a contract so it's not that simple. Unless we say take back the Sky Glass??? 

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

It's really so disappointing that nobody from SKY has interacted with this it's not right this has to be sorted now or give us a rebate on our service 

This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

I have raised this issue within the closed forum .... I am also experiencing intermittent sync issues in some live channels noticeably after an ad break on my glass tv

please keep posting lip sync issues and specifically if you notice a pattern as to when they occur. I have found if I change channel then back again the lip sync returns to normal

43inch Gen 1 and 55 inch Gen 2 Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks. Virgin media M350 hub 5x. Four sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by Zoltron This message was authored by: Zoltron

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

The question why does it only become more of a problem when a superuser is experiencing problem?


All issues should be reported.


Just an observation I've seen in other posts. Only being honest.

This message was authored by Linda2685 This message was authored by: Linda2685

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

We have just started having lip sync issues on Glass the past week.. spoke to Sky this morning and didn't say that an update had been done and could be the problem.. currently watching football and you know a goal has been scored as you hear it before you see it.. happening lots of times now.. will phone them again to escalate the issue..

This message was authored by Linda2685 This message was authored by: Linda2685

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Same here..

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

Yes sky have to escalate this problem as quickly as possible 

Topic Author
This message was authored by 2393.m15hK4.0591 This message was authored by: 2393.m15hK4.0591

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

This is wrong that sky are not taking this seriously enough we should all demand an update ASAP if not sooner get it sorted sky or my sky glass will be cancelled 

This message was authored by Zoltron This message was authored by: Zoltron

Re: Speech out of sync on Sky glass

I've set Sky Go set up on Glass using my laptop as the glass stream is unwatchable. Near enough 20-30 minutes the lip sync is drifting.


Its almost as if the frame rate isn't keeping up with the audio, So it's either a problem with the stream or the rendering engine within the firmware.


It seems to be playing back ok on the laptop. Also Plex on my Apple TV is playing fine, And my Xbox Series X is working fine for BluRay and games. So it's not the TV.


Its definitely a broadcast problem, maybe a compression issue if Sky have changed how streams are encoded or encrypted.


Sky have got to the end of the month, I've got an ongoing complaint with them as it's not fit for purpose. If it isn't fixed I'm asking to formally leave my contract as surely we all can't be making this issue up. 


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