Discussion topic: Sky Max On Demand

This message was authored by Simon+Beer This message was authored by: Simon+Beer

Sky Max On Demand

I have Sky Glass and I have the UHD package. I'm trying to watch the series The Enfield Hauntings and it will only let me watch 1 episode. I have my settings set at auto so when I download something it downloads it in either HD or UHD. Can anyone help?? 

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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith Answer

Re: Sky Max On Demand

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Simon+Beer If you have Sky Glass, you aren't downloading anything as Sky Glass doesn't have a hard drive to download to everything is streamed over the internet. 


The issue is that on Sky Glass only episode 1 of the show is available. This is evident when you go to the shows's programme page and you can only see 1 epsiode listed. I'd suggest email the Viewer Relations Team about the fact that the other episodes aren't available on the Sky Streaming platform: viewerR@sky.uk

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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