Discussion topic: MY5 App error: MY5-undefined-APP-1003

This message was authored by Grumpy+Gran This message was authored by: Grumpy+Gran

MY5 App error: MY5-undefined-APP-1003

Whilst I can still watch My5 on my mobile, the app on Sky Glass has not been working for several days. When I try to continue watching I get the above error message. The error message comes with a caveat - "Sorry, My5 is currently unavailable due to a technical problem. Please bear with us while we work on a fix. Thanks for your patience. For more information and advice please visit the My5 help centre: https:/help.channle5.com". Followed all the fixes outlined but none are specifically for sky glass and so still in the same place.

Just wondering who, exactly, has the technical problem and how hard they are working on it.?

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This message was authored by Dobby1967 This message was authored by: Dobby1967 Answer

Re: MY5 App error: MY5-undefined-APP-1003

Excellent, same here!! I powered everything down, power off for 10 minutes and that did the trick...

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